🌙33 Chapter☀️

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On December 24, On Christmas Eve, Luna is 27 weeks and five days pregnant. Matteo still wears ankle boots. Luna and Matteo adopted puppies Ángel and Mar. Matteo and Luna have to go to a pet store. Amber, Simon, Gaston, Nina, and Lola are cleaning up at Benson Mansion because their family is coming to sleep over at Benson Mansion. Everyone is at Warehouse Studio. Everyone checks out at Warehouse Studio because everything has changed. Lola found out that she would go to court on December 27. Matteo and Luna must tell Lola that she has a court for her stepmother and stepsister. Her Lawyer will be Ana Nina's Mother. Ana will keep Lola's Case for Court.

Lola is sad because her Father and mother are not with her anymore. She doesn't feel like Christmas is special since her stepsister and stepmother don't spend time spending Christmas with her. Lola has never received a gift from her stepsisters or stepmother since her Father died. Lola was so sad when Monica saw her. Monica hugs Lola. Monica gives comfort to Lola. "Lola, you are in safe hands now. Your stepmother or stepmother will not hurt you again. You are the best girl ever. I know." Monica said. "I know. I am in a safe place here. What if they try to hurt me again at court, or I have to return to my stepmother and stepsister's house again, but they treat me like their maid? I don't want to live with them again, ever." Lola said. "You will not return to the house again. Do not worry. Talk about it right now. Let Ana keep it for this court." Monica said. "Lola, I don't want you to worry about this court. I am keeping with the case. I will work on the case later. We can enjoy Christmas time," Ana said. "But I want to talk about my stepmother and stepsister more. It is ok to bring this case to court," Lola said. "Lola, I am leaving your case. I am working off a lawyer for a few days. I want a good Christmas with my family and friends. We can talk more later." Ana said. "Lola, we can talk later. Right now, it is Christmas Eve. We will have a good time," Monica said. "But...." Lola said. "No, but... It would be helpful if you weren't worried about today. Like Monica, today is Christmas Eve. We should have a good time." Ana said. "That's alright. We can discuss it later. Christmas time..... I don't want to worry." Lola said. Monica laughs.

Monica changes the subject. Monica doesn't want Lola to worry about the court. She needs to focus on the holidays. "That's right; today is Christmas time. So, what do you think about this new Studio Warehouse?" Monica said. "This is the most colorful ever seen in this Studio Warehouse. This is pretty amazing." Lola said. "Yes, that's right, beautiful color here. Can you play an instrument?" Monica asked. "I can do piano and a little guitar. I used to play guitar and piano when my mom was alive. She is talented at the piano." Lola said. "Lola, can you play guitar or piano for us? We would like to hear your song." Simon said. "Sure, can you take the guitar for me?" Lola asked. Simon takes the guitar and gives it to Lola.

Lola takes Simon's guitar. Lola starts to play guitar, then freezes once she touches the chord; she does not remember the next chord. She was not moving for a second. "Lola, are you ok?" Simon said. "Yes, I am ok. But I do not remember this chord. I forgot how to play guitar for a while. This song would be great to share, but I forgot to do so. I am so embarrassed." Lola said. "You are not embarrassed. Whether you remember chords or play guitar." Simon said. "Lola, I was embarrassed too. After my accident, I believed I had forgotten to play guitar or chords. I thought I would never play guitar again. I thought I was ready to give up musicals, but Luna helped me play guitar again. Now I remember to play guitar. Look at me; I am here. I am musical now. I have a tour. Luna keeps pushing me not to give up. We will help you play the music you can remember, this guitar and chord." Matteo said. "We will help you with that song and teach you to play guitar. Roller Band Members will always help you." Simon said. "We will always help you with the guitar. You are not embarrassed. We make mistakes every day." Luna said. "Thank you so much, too. It will help me play guitar again. But I know I have a songbook somewhere in my bedroom. I hope my stepmother will not ruin my mother's songbook. I will have to look for my songbook." Lola said. "You can show me when you find your songbook. We will read your songbook. We can fix or change anything in that songbook." Simon said. "Sounds good. Also, I already have an idea for a song. But I will write a song. What about Matteo and Simon to show us that bit song we can use?" Lola said. "You want Matteo and me to sing right now?" Simon asked. "Yes, please. Then I will not be embarrassed anymore." Lola said. "Sure, Matteo, you'll sing with me," Simon said. "Yeah, I am so down. We will sing, but what song will we sing?" Matteo asked. "You remember a song called "Nobody but You" from two years ago?" Simon said. "Oh, yeah. I remember this song. Are you ready to sing?" Matteo said. "Yes, I am ready to start singing," Simon said. Simon and Matteo sing.

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