🌙 23 Chapter ☀️

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December 8, Luna is 25 weeks and three days pregnant. Matteo still had ankle boots and crutches.

While backstage with Luna and Lola.
Luna was thinking about Lola's new skating, which should arrive soon. She decides to ask her. "Before we go back to the Rink. I want to ask you." Luna said. "Sure, You can ask me," Lola said. "So, has your new skate arrived yet? Since you still wear old skate metal, it sounds so painful." Luna asked. "No, not yet. I had been waiting for my new skate for almost two weeks. But Camila arrived with her new skate last week. I know my old skate is painful when I wear this; I hate it." Lola said. "Did you ask your stepmother about your new skate?" Luna asked.
"I did ask my stepmother. She says my package keeps delaying it." Lola sighed. Were you able to check your package number? You can check the tracking of your package." Luna said. "I never have a chance to ask my stepmother about the tracking number. I will ask her tonight." Lola said. "You can text me. If you did get the tracking number." Luna said. I will let you know. If I get my tracking number." Lola said. "Ready to go back at Rink. Not worry, you can sit on the bench." Luna said. Lola and Luna have left the backstage room to go to the Rink.

Jam&Roller Team and Mini Jam&Roller team are at the Rink. They are ready to have practice. Camila looks for Lola around the Rink but needs help finding Lola. But Lola and Luna are in the backstage room. "Hey Matteo, are you Luna's boyfriend?" Camila asked. "Yes, now she is my fiancé. Why do you ask me?" Matteo said. "I was looking for Lola and Luna but can't find them," Camila said. "Oh. Lola and Luna are backstage. They need to talk privately. They will come here soon." Matteo said. "Oh, Why do they need to talk in private?" Camilia said. "I don't know. But I know that Luna plans to ask Lola if she did find her partner for complete. You ask Lola. She is your sister." Matteo said. "Thank you," Camila said. "Welcome," Matteo said. Camila starts to feel so mad and worried.
Matteo notices Camilia feels so concerned. But he ignores her because she is scared about her stepsister Lola. "Okay. Now you can practice with your partner. Lola and Luna will arrive here a bit late. Matteo just told me." Ramiro said. Mini Jam&Roller team starts to find their partner and then begins practice. Lola and Luna walked into the Rink. Lola walked to the bench and sat down. "You can start to do your homework. If you need help with any homework, you can ask us. We will help you." Luna said. "Okay, I will ask you if I need to help," Lola said. Lola gets out her notebook and pencil from her backpack. She starts doing homework at Blake South College.

Camila saw Luna and Lola get onto the Rink. She ran to Lola. "LOLA, did you tell her the truth? You better not tell her about Emilia and what happens at home." Camila asked. Lola heard Camila call her name. She gets scared. Lola dropped her notebook. "Camila, You scared me. I dropped my notebook. No, I did not tell her everything about Emilia and what happened at home." Lola said. Lola picks up her notebook. "Okay. If you tell her you will get into big trouble, you know what happens at home. But why do you talk with Luna?" Camila said. "But I won't tell the truth to her. I can't lie to her because you told me so. I told her that I needed a break from practice. Because I still feel so weak, but I am feeling better. and I am still looking for a partner." Lola said. "I told you. You don't need to have a partner. You have to quit this team." Camila said. "I am stilling for a partner. I can't quit." Lola said. Luna overheard what Lola said. I can't stop. "Lola and Camila. You say you can't quit. For what?" Luna said. "Oh, I told her. She must quit her homework to catch up on her missed practice for a few days." Camila said. "Camila just told me that she still does not feel good. I let her rest and catch up on her homework." Luna said. "Oh. My bad. Lola, You are back with your homework. We will talk about this at home." Camila said. "Okay...." Lola said. Lola gets confused that Camila is fake to her. But Lola knows that Lola hates it when Camila lies to Luna. "Camila, you can back practice. Let me leave Lola alone. She can finish her homework from Blake South College." Luna said. "of course. She can finish homework. I will back practice." Camila said. Camila is back to practice. "Lola, is everything okay with Camila?" Luna asked. "No. I want to tell you the truth. But I forget what I should say." Lola said. "Oh, okay. You can tell me the truth when you feel ready. I hope you find a partner soon." Luna said. "Okay, I will tell you when I am ready. I will tell you when I find a partner." Lola said. "I hope you get a partner soon," Luna said. Lola backed off her homework and went back to the rink.

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