🌙25 Chapter ☀️

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On December 14, Luna was 26 weeks and two days pregnant. Matteo still wears ankle boots without crutches.

Luna left the rink. After walking into the cafeteria, Luna saw Manuel and Lola. Lola is asleep on Manuel's lap in the restaurant. Luna walked to Manuel and Lola. "Manuel, is everything ok with Lola?" Luna asked. "Yes. She ate more sandwiches than I paid for them. She gets tired. She doesn't want to return home because of her stepmother. She is tired because her eyes look like black bags. Forty-five minutes ago, she slept on my lap," Manuel said. "That Lola eats more, and she needs to rest more," Luna said. Matteo walks into the cafeteria. He looks for Luna and finds Luna talking with Manuel while Lola sleeps on Manuel's lap. "Hey, Manuel. Lola is asleep. Luna, "Why do you leave so early?" Matteo asked. "Hey, Matteo. Yes, Lola is asleep. What happened to Luna? Was rushed out of the rink?" Manuel asked. "Because of Emilia. I don't want to deal with her right now. Emilia talked about Camila and Lola. I mean, this is not her business." Luna said. "Oh... why does Emilia want everything?" Manuel asked. "I don't know. Emilia likes to ruin everything." Luna said. "That is so true. Emilia ruined everything. Emilia always hurts everyone. I think we can trust you. We can tell you." Matteo said. "What can you tell me?" Manuel asked. "We have bodyguards around here that you don't notice. Here, they wear normal clothes." Luna said. "Seriously, a bodyguard is nearby here," Manuel said. "Yes. Please avoid saying a word to everyone around here. The Jam&Roller team knows that about bodyguards." Luna said. Manuel zipped his mouth. "Your word is to keep my lips shut," Manuel said. "We trust you," Matteo said. "I better go back to work," Luna said. "OK, See you later," Manuel said. Luna and Matteo walked away from Manuel and Lola.

-7:30 pm at Jam&Roller-
Maxi Espindola walked into Jam&Roller. He is looking for someone. Maxi walks into the cafeteria. He bumped into Luna and Simon. Luna had a pile of paper, and papers were everywhere in the restaurant. "Ugh, I have a hard time getting paper. My back hurts so much." Luna said. Simon laughed, and he understood Luna was pregnant. Simon got to pick up the paper and help Luna. "I'm sorry. I don't see you. Let me help you." Maxi said. Maxi helped Simon pick up Luna's paper. "OK, next time, watch out. Where are you heading." Luna said. It is Maxi who gives Luna the form. "Thank You for helping me. Next time, watch where you go." Luna said. "I love how mad you are talking to me," Maxi said. "You will never have a chance to have me, sorry. I have a fiance." Luna said. "I know I am missing my chance. You should be lucky to have her." Maxi said. Luna and Simon left Maxi. "He looks like he's trying to look like me," Luna said. "He thought I was your fiancee. I am not your fiancee." Simon said.

Luna and Simon walked into the rink. Matteo, Gaston, Nina, Amber, Ramiro, Jim, Yam, and Delfina are already at the rink. Jazmin is at Fandom. Nico, Pedro, and Eric have to work. "Sorry, I am late. Someone bumped us, and I dropped my papers." Luna said. "That's OK. So, I know Nico, Pedro, Eric, and Jazmin will not make it today. We have to prepare for Mini Jam&Roller's competition soon. We have to order." Amber said. "Yam and I do care about outfits," Jim said. "Yes, you still care about outfits," Luna said. "The Care with Roller Friends Skate Blog will continue to cover the Mini Jam&Roller team competition," Nina said. "Nina, you can still do this," Amber replied. "That works for me," Nina said. "I already planned their outfits for the competition," Yam said. "That's good. I want to see their outfits." Luna said.

Maxi walked into the rink. "Hey, guys. Finally, I found you. I was looking for you." Maxi said. Maxi hugged Matteo, Gaston, Jim, Yam, Ramiro, Deflina, and Amber. Luna heard Maxi's voice. "You again," Luna said. "You again," Maxi said. "Do you know each other?" Matteo asked. "No, He bumped me and tried to get me. He thought I was Simon's fiancee." Luna said. "I am sorry. I don't know." Maxi said. "Maxi, I guess you just met Luna and Simon. Luna is my fiancée. Simon is Luna's best friend, bandmate, and roommate. Luna and Simon. Maxi is an old friend. He moved to Mexico for a while. Gaston, Maxi, and I were in the Freshman and Sophomore half of the class. When Maxi was in junior. We had a band, and we were best friends. Maxi moved to Spain. We don't have a band anymore." Matteo said. "Oh. I don't know about it." Luna said. "Maxi, what are you doing here? It is a surprise to see you back here again," Gaston said. "I decided to move here again. But I don't have a place right now. I hope to stay at your house until I find an apartment." Maxi said. "I guess we have lots to catch up on for years. Gaston, Nina, Nico, and Simon, I, are moving to Luna and Amber's Mansion. A long story I will tell you later." Matteo replied. "WOW. This should be long since I left." Maxi said. "You can stay in our guest room until you find an apartment," Luna said. "Seriously. You let Maxi stay at Benson Mansion? I mean, you barely know him." Matteo said. "If Maxi is your best friend," Luna said. "Are you sure?" Matteo asked. "Yes, I am sure," Luna said. "Then Maxi can stay there. Maxi, right now, we are in a meeting." Matteo said. "That's fine. We can finish tomorrow." Amber said. "We can then go to Benson Mansion," Nina said. "I have to stay here to talk to Gray," Amber said. "Then I will see you there," Luna said. Maxi, Luna, Matteo, Gaston, Nina, and Simon leave Jam&Roller.

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