🌙 9 Chapter ☀️

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October 17, Luna is 17 weeks and seven days pregnant.

"Emilia, I can't believe you said that to Luna. Why?" Matteo questioned. "Because I wanted to say it. Is that such a problem?" Emilia retorted. Matteo stared angrily at Emilia and declared, "EMILIA, YOU NEED TO STAY OUT OF MY AND LUNA'S LIFE. THAT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS; WE WEREN'T PLANNING ON HAVING A BABY. GRAY, PLEASE, GET EMILIA OUT OF HERE OR ESCORT HER AWAY. YOU NEED TO RESPECT MY SPACE. I DON'T WANT TO BE INTIMATE WITH YOU. I KNOW IT HURT LUNA DEEPLY AND MADE HER JEALOUS. YOU ARE HAPPY BECAUSE LUNA IS PREGNANT, WHICH GIVES YOU AN OPPORTUNITY TO HURT HER LIKE I DO. DO YOU THINK I WILL LEAVE HER BECAUSE SHE'S PREGNANT? I'M ABOUT TO GO ON TOUR. YOU HAVE MESSED UP MY LIFE AND LUNA'S LIFE AND I WON'T TOLERATE IT ANYMORE.""I'm not afraid of you, Matteo. But why are you leaving soon for the tour? You won't be around for Luna. It seems like you don't care about your girlfriend or the baby. Are you planning to stay with her forever? I doubt it. I don't understand why Luna is so special. What about Luna? She's well-known for her skating, but now she can't skate because she's pregnant. I love you, Matteo," Emilia stated, trying to touch him. Matteo pushed her away, exclaiming, "I DON'T LOVE YOU; STAY AWAY FROM ME. My girlfriend is 18 weeks pregnant. I don't like how you speak to her. Don't touch her or me; I love my girlfriend. She supports my career and is always by my side. She knows what's best for me. I plan to be with her forever, until I die. She's special to me in every way. I LOVE HER DEEPLY. You don't know her like I do. Our meeting in Mexico changed my life. I will still be in touch with Luna, even while on tour. STAY AWAY FROM US." Matteo then ran off in search of Luna and Simon. "Matteo didn't run away from me," Emilia grumbled as she walked away from Jam and Roller, full of anger.

 "Matteo didn't run away from me," Emilia grumbled as she walked away from Jam and Roller, full of anger

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Luna ran to the locker room and cried. Simon chased after her and found her in the locker room. "Luna, Luna, Luna," Simon said as he hugged Luna tightly. "I can't believe what Emilia did to me. I feel like I'm a horrible mother and terrible Coach Assistant," Luna said, still crying. "You will be a wonderful mother and assistant coach," Simon reassured her. Luna giggled through her tears. "Do you really think so, even after what Emilia said?" Luna asked. "She's just jealous because you're the coolest person around," Simon replied. Luna looked down at her baby belly, gently rubbing it. "Hey, sweetie, do you think I'm the coolest mother on the moon?" she whispered. Simon joined in, rubbing Luna's belly. "You definitely are," he said.Matteo entered the locker room. "Hey Matteo, I'm guessing Amber filled you in?" Simon inquired. "Yes, she did. That's why I came to check on Luna," Matteo said, hugging Luna. "I'm sorry I left you alone, but I'll be leaving for my tour soon. Are you sure you'll be okay?" he asked. "I'll be fine," Luna assured him. "Should I leave then?" Simon asked. "No, stay and make sure Emilia doesn't come near. Can you do that?" Matteo requested. "Of course," Simon agreed. Matteo then pressed a soft kiss onto Luna's baby bump before giving Luna a kiss."You are the coolest mother on the moon. I love you. Be a coach; don't let Emilia's words get to you. You've always wanted to coach figure skaters, and now you are. Be proud of yourself," Matteo encouraged. Luna giggled. "I am proud to be a coach and have a team at our age. But dealing with Emilia will be tough, especially with you gone for a month," Luna admitted. "You can handle her. Make her do extra laps and drills; it might change her attitude," Matteo suggested.

Gray entered the locker room and saw Matteo and Luna. "Hey, Matteo and Luna. I've been looking for you. I have made a decision for you," Gray said. "What made you decide?" Luna asked. "I have hired a bodyguard for you," Gray said. "Why did you decide to get a bodyguard?" Matteo asked. The reason for that was when Matteo was away on tour. It made me sick to see Emilia hurt Luna so much," Gray said. "Gray, can we discuss this later?" Matteo asked. "That's fine," Gray said before leaving the locker room."This has been a bad day. I wish I could skate and clear my mind, but I just can't," Luna said. "I know you want to focus on your skating. Please try to calm down," Matteo said. Amber walked into the locker room and announced, "We are closing early because of Emilia." "Can we go home?" Luna asked. "Yes, we can leave now. I will gather Luna's belongings. You and Matteo can wait in the car," Simon said. "I'm relieved that Emilia isn't causing you any more harm," Luna said as she rested her head on Matteo's shoulder and nodded. "Me too. Emilia shouldn't be hurting you like before," Matteo said. "Amber, thank you for closing early tonight," Luna said. "No problem. I don't want any trouble at Jam&Roller if Emilia shows up again. Gray will have extended hours for the next event, so he can handle it," Amber said.

Three days later, on October 20, Luna is 18 weeks and three days weeks pregnant. Everyone is at Jam&Roller. Luna and Juliana are still working with the team. It's hard for Matteo to stay by his schedule since he'll be touring in 3 weeks and is releasing his album soon. Emilia still talks negatively about Luna and Matteo and reports on Gray. Gray is looking for Luna, and Matteo needs to meet with them. While Benicio isn't jealous of Luna and Matteo, he is envious of Simon because he had Amber.

After practice, Luna decided to stay in the rink and sat on the bench. She had daydreamed about coaching students, but one student was so young that she didn't know which one it was while she was pregnant. After giving birth to the baby, she returned to the rink to dance with Team Jam&Roller and Matteo. Ten minutes later, Simon looked for Luna and found her on the rink. "I have finally found you, Luna," Simon said. "Hey, Simon," Luna replied. "Are you okay? Are you on the moon?" Simon asked, giggling. "Yes, I am okay. My daydreams involve coming back to the rink after giving birth and skating with Matteo. It seems like I will be coaching a young student, but I am not sure where they are from. I miss skating with everyone," Luna explained. "Will you be coaching young students? I miss skating with you," Simon inquired. "Yes, it seems like that young student is me. I never expected to be pregnant at 18 years old, but now I am 18 weeks pregnant and 18 years old. I think I will be proud to be a mother," Luna said.

You and Matteo will be great parents," Simon said. "One day, you will be exemplary coaches." Simon hugged Luna as Matteo walked into the rink and witnessed the embrace. "Sorry for interrupting such a beautiful moment," Matteo apologized. "That's okay. Luna has missed skating so much. She was eager to go skating again as she dreams of coaching young students," Simon explained. "Seriously, it was her dream to coach young students?" Matteo asked."Yes," Simon confirmed. "Nico called us. He is returning from New York in 2 weeks," Matteo informed them. "What about Ada, his girlfriend?" Luna inquired. "Nico and Ada didn't work out. Nico still loves Jim," Simon disclosed. "But he needs a place to stay," Matteo added. "Since I've been staying with Amber almost daily, I haven't been using my bedroom. Matteo and Luna have been using it instead. Currently, Benson Mansion has five empty rooms. I believe Nico can stay there." "Yes, but two rooms were filled with our band's stuff," Matteo pointed out. "Remember when we discussed renovating the warehouse and studio? Our old warehouse needs fixing before the baby arrives. We should start discussing it with everyone. Nico can stay at Benson Mansion." "You can talk to your father to help us," Simon suggested.

Gray entered the Rink and found Luna, Matteo, and Simon there. "FINALLY, I FOUND LUNA," Gray said. "You were looking for me?" Luna said. "Yes, I want to talk with Luna and Matteo," Gray said. "Sorry, I can leave here," Simon said. "Simon, you can stay here because you are closer to Luna and Matteo," Gray said. "Ok, I guess I can stay here," Simon said. "We better talk privately in the office. If you can get Amber, Nina, and Gaston," Gray said. "Sure, Gaston and Nina, get home. I don't know where Amber is," Matteo said. "Amber has to go to the grocery store to cook dinner tonight. I was going to tell you Luna has closed Jam&Roller," Simon said. "Right now, everyone is leaving. Just the four of us," Gray said. "I lost track of time. What time is it? I am so sorry," Luna said. "8:07 pm. Luna, you are fine. Gray, what are you thinking about talking to us?" Matteo asked. "Oh well. I did find a bodyguard for Luna," Gray said. "What will the bodyguard wear?" Luna asked. "Bodyguards will have badges and wear all-black clothes so that they will be noticed," Gray said. "I am not sure if Luna will like it," Simon said. "Simon, what does that mean?" Gray asked. "Emilia can notice if the bodyguard is wearing a black badge that she can't do things with me. Bodyguards should wear normal clothes like us and hide their badges. Emilia won't notice the bodyguard. Will Emilia's thing affect me? Would she react if the bodyguard was kept close to me, but not too close? Around Jam&Roller, bodyguards can be fakes, like, stay away from me. But they can follow me without me noticing. I want bodyguards to wear normal clothes and hide their badges in their pockets," Luna said. 

Soy Luna: Lutteo UnexpectedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang