🌙 11 Chapter☀️

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November 2. Luna is 20 weeks and two days pregnant.

The next day, at 2:30 pm, Matteo, Luna, Nina, and Gaston arrived at the doctor's office. Luna paced around the room, waiting for her third ultrasound to determine the baby's gender. "Matteo, is Luna okay? Why does she keep walking around?" Gaston asked. "Yes, she gets nervous because she hates having her blood taken and just wants the baby to be healthy. It's happened before," Matteo explained. "Luna, why don't you sit down? There's no need to keep pacing back and forth," Nina suggested. "I'm just so anxious to find out the gender," Luna replied. "I understand you're anxious, but it's better to sit," Nina insisted. "Luna is always full of energy and finds it hard to stay seated," Matteo added. He smiled, stood up, and lifted Luna's chin. "Our baby is healthy, I'm certain of it," he reassured her. Luna weakly smiled back at Matteo.

Suddenly, the door opened, and the nurse called out, "Luna Sol Valente Benson, please come in!" Luna glanced at Matteo; he met her gaze and took her hand. Together, they walked through the door into the office. Luna closed her eyes as the nurse began her work, feeling a sense of relief washing over her. She heard Matteo chuckle softly but didn't say anything. After some time, the Doctor returned with the results. "Congratulations, Ms. Valente Benson and Mr. Balsano! I have never seen such positive results in my career, believe me. You both maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your baby is exceptionally healthy, with impressive genetic material. It couldn't be any better," the Doctor announced.

The doctor looked at the screen while Luna performed an ultrasound. After these words, Matteo chuckled proudly, and Luna blushed deeply. They exchanged a conspiratorial look and suppressed a laugh. "So I suppose we can take a look at your baby with an ultrasound, shall we? Since you won't be having a surprise gender reveal, I will inform Nina and Gaston once we're finished," the doctor said. Luna smiled and nodded. Luna and Matteo eagerly watched the screen, where the silhouette of a large baby soon appeared. "The baby seems to have grown since our last check-up here," Luna observed. Matteo nodded with happiness and tears in his eyes. "Yes, it has. They grow so quickly. It's amazing to see how much they've grown," Matteo remarked. "Yes, they do grow fast. Perfectly healthy. Have a good day. Good luck with Matteo's show tomorrow. I will let Nina and Gaston know the gender," the doctor said. "Thank you," Matteo replied. The doctor, Luna, and Matteo left the room, while the doctor spoke to Gaston and Nina about his thoughts on the baby's gender, whether it was a girl or a boy. Nina and Gaston then went to the store to pick up items and decorate at Jam&Roller. Only Nina and Gaston were aware of the baby's gender.

The party has already started. A few hours later. At Jam&Roller, they decide to have a gender reveal party for Luna and Matteo. Luna's family, Matteo's family, and Matteo's manager Dina are at Jam&Roller.

"Let's find out the baby's gender," Luna said. "Please vote, baby girl or baby boy. Which one do you think the baby is?" Matteo asked. Everyone voted on the gender, with 11 votes for boys and 15 votes for girls. Everyone is ready to find out the baby's gender. Are you ready? Luna and Matteo are in a giant black balloon. Everyone starts the video, but Nina and Gaston take a picture with the camera. Luna and Matteo are nervous because they only want one gender for their baby. "Luna, who is our baby, a girl or a boy?" Matteo asked. "I have always dreamed of having a boy. Matteo, what about you?" Luna asked. "I have always wanted a girl," Matteo said. Matteo holds Luna's hand. "Are you ready?" Matteo asked. "Yes, I am ready," Luna said. Matteo and Luna are so nervous. "This pin will pop the balloon," Dina said. Dina gave pins to Matteo and Luna. "Thank you, Dina," Luna said. "Everyone, are you ready?" Matteo asked. Everyone yelled, saying YES! "Good, you are ready. What do you think the baby is, a girl or a boy?" Matteo asked. Everyone yelled. Some said GIRL, others said BOY. Matteo looks at Luna. "Now countdown with us. Start with 3." Matteo sighed. "THREE!" Luna yelled. "THREE!" Matteo shouted. Everyone shouted THREE. "TWO!" Luna screamed. "TWO!" Matteo shouted. Everyone shouted TWO! "ONE!" Luna screamed. "ONE!" Matteo yelled. Everyone yelled ONE!

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