🌙 16 Chapter☀️

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Luna is 24 weeks and one day pregnant. November 29.
Matteo will come home is coming soon. The Roller Skating Competition is today.

Two days later, remember a different time zone. November 29, Next Day, 8:45 am
While with Matteo and Dina at Columbia. Matteo started the show at 7:00 am. Columbia hosts a festival. Matteo is on stage when Matteo finishes the song. "COLUMBIA. I hope you have a great time at this show with me. I will see you next time. Please check my website, Roller Band Website, and Jam&Roller Website for updates on the upcoming tours and competitions. Jam&Roller has a roller-skating competition today. Please vote Jam&Roller. I am skating there, part of Jam&Roller, but I will miss it because I have a show for you. Thank you for having me here," Matteo said.

Matteo entered the stage. He walked backstage and to Dina with his bodyguard. They walk to Matteo's backstage, switching clothes. "Matteo. This is so wonderful. Now we go on an airplane," Dina said. "OK, let me switch clothes. When will we leave on the plane?" Matteo asked. "9:15; we have to leave here as soon as possible," Dina said. "Ok, I will change my clothes in 5 minutes," Matteo said. Matteo ran to his backstage dressing room. He quickly switches clothes. He wears gray sweatpants, a black hoodie, and a white t-shirt. Five minutes later, he changes clothes.
Now Dina and Matteo are on their way to the airplane Lucky, where Matteo's show is only 5 minutes away. Matteo has many bodyguards on the aircraft. Many people are close to Matteo taking a picture, but Matteo and Dina are in a hurry. They made it on an airplane. They are now on their way to Argentina. Matteo and Dina are sitting in the first class of an aircraft. "Dina, do we have a practice dance with Jam&Roller tonight? To get ready for tomorrow?" Matteo asked. "Yes, once we get there, we'll practice for 30 minutes," Dina said. "Sounds good. I will tell you, guys." Matteo noted—Matteo decided to nap.

Remember the Different Time Zones in Buenos Aires, Argentina. While 10:45 am, the Jam&Roller team arrives at Jam&Roller. Luna is just ready for everyone. It is time for everyone to get ready for the Roller Skating Competition. Simon has strawberries saved for Luna. She can eat strawberries. "Luna, I have your strawberry in the bag. I know you are hungry and nervous." Simon said. Luna is excited to grab Simon's strawberry bag as quickly as possible. She eats. "Thank you so much. Sorry, I was hungry and nervous," Luna said. "Welcome; I understand you are nervous right now," Simon said. Juliana walked into the cafeteria. "Perfect. Are you ready?" Juliana asked. Everyone says yes, but Luna keeps eating strawberries. "Luna, why are you quiet?" Juliana asked. Juliana noticed Luna eating strawberries. "Luna, you eat strawberries. But I know you. You are ready," Juliana said. "Yes, I am ready but nervous," Luna said. Everyone giggles because Luna is still eating a strawberry. "Guys, do you have your outfit, roller skates, and stuff?" Juliana asked. Everyone says yes. They have everything. "Okay, ready to leave," Juliana said. It's time for the Jam&Roller team to leave Jam&Roller and attend that place's roller skating competition.

One hour later, at 12:30 pm, the Jam&Roller team arrived at the Place Roller Skating Competition. Everyone watches from the rink stage. Two men with microphones walk on stage. He looks ready to announce. Everyone cheers. "Hey, welcome to the Roller Skating Competition. My name is Diego. I will announce it all day. If you have questions about this competition, ask the judge or me. We have 15 teams here. Nice to see you again. We want to introduce one of our four judges, First Judge Jorge." Diego said. Jorge stood up from his chair and waved to everyone. "Second judge Emilio," Diego said. Emilio stood up from his chair and waved to everyone. "Third, Judge Clara," Diego said. Clara stood up to get off her chair and smiled at everyone. "Now out last, Judge Zoe," Diego said. Zoe stood up to get off her chair and waved to everyone. Judges return to sitting in a chair. "Now, I know everyone is excited to start the competition soon. Starting at 1:15 pm, the High&Low team will start a competition. Good luck to the teams." Diego said. After the announcement finishes, everyone must go to the dressing room to change clothes.

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