🌙 3 Chapter ☀️

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Pedro, Monica, Miguel, and Alford move out of Benson Mansion. Two weeks later, Nina and Gaston move to Benson Mansion and live with Matteo, Luna, Simon, and Amber. Luna changed her name to Luna Sol Valente Benson. Amber and Luna own the Mansion.

Eight weeks later, Luna started to feel tired, which was unusual for her. Everyone noticed that Luna was not acting like herself. Luna was feeling fatigued, at least in terms of her energy levels. She always had boundless energy before. Luna needed to join Jam & Roller, where everyone was already gathered. The employees at Jam&Roller worked as Luna's manager assistant. Luna and Matteo were skating together on the rink when Matteo's phone rang. He had to answer the call. "I'm sorry, Luna. I have to take this call," Matteo said. Luna expressed her desire for a milkshake. "That's alright. I'll head to the cafeteria to get a milkshake," Luna replied. She walked out of the rink to go to the cafeteria.

While Matteo is on the phone with Manager Dina

- on Call Dina's manager-

Matteo's Manager Dina: Hey Matteo, are you free tomorrow morning?

Matteo: Yes

Dina Manger: Your studio is ready for you.

Matteo: sound so amazing

Dina Manger: is your song ready yet?

Matteo: Yes, everything is ready.

Dina Manger: see you tomorrow

Matteo: see you tomorrow.

Phone is end

Matteo is excited and looking forward to Luna. He found Luna in the cafeteria. "Luna, I have good news," Matteo said. Luna was confused that Matteo was so excited. "What is it?" Luna asked. "It's my studio tomorrow. I'll record my first album." Matteo said. "Congratulations, Matteo," Luna said and hugged Matteo. Then Luna yawned. Luna is happy to see Matteo getting new albums for his studio. Matteo noticed Luna was tired. "Luna, are you exhausted?" Matteo asked. Luna is still tired. "Yes, I couldn't fall asleep last night," Luna said.

The next day, at 7:30 pm, Matteo arrived at Jam&Roller, looking for Luna and asking Simon for guidance. Simon was in the cafeteria making a milkshake for another person at Jam&Roller. "Simon, where is Luna?" Matteo asked. Simon informed Matteo that Luna had just returned home with Nina and Gaston. Matteo became confused about Luna's whereabouts. "Is it just me, or does everyone know that Luna gets tired and goes home early? I thought Luna always stayed here until Jam&Roller closed," Matteo expressed. Simon also noticed Luna's fatigue. "I have noticed that Luna has been low on energy for a few weeks. We should keep an eye on her," Simon suggested. Amber entered the cafeteria and approached Matteo, expressing concern for Luna. "Matteo, what's going on with Luna? Did she leave home early again?" Amber inquired. Matteo reassured Amber that Luna was a responsible scheduler for Jam&Roller. "I am also wondering. Since she is the manager's assistant with her own schedule, she is usually on top of things," Matteo replied. Amber shared that Luna had been feeling sick twice a day for a few days. Matteo then asked if Luna had completed the Jam&Roller paperwork. Amber revealed that Luna still needed to finish the paperwork and tended to postpone it. "Yes, Luna always tells me she will do it later as well," Simon added.

The next day, Luna was in the mood for Jam & Roller, so she skated on the rink for 30 minutes before deciding to take a break. When Luna entered the cafeteria, Simon offered to make her a drink. "Simon, can I have a strawberry milkshake?" Luna asked. Simon looked at Luna and replied, "Of course, strawberries." Luna giggled as Simon prepared the strawberry milkshake for her. He handed it to Luna and she thanked him before walking over to a table to work on some paperwork.

Soy Luna: Lutteo UnexpectedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora