Distrust And Suspicion

Start from the beginning

He starts pushing it even harder.

But the result was same anyhow.

With a sigh, he curses, "You asked for it, rusted piece of junk... Fire dragon's Iron Fist!"

Natsu punches the door. But unexpectedly, his fire doesn't light up. The door doesn't move a bit either.

Natsu then remembers that it is the same door that gramps opened with a spell.

But that wasn't the problem here. His magic was not responding to him. He tried a breath attack. Nothing happened

Natsu tried to shake his arm, while collecting magic power simultaneously. But it didn't work either. So, he did it faster and "boom", a giant, really giant fireball explodes in his hand, making him fall down the whole stairway.

"My magic... is working weirdl- THAT HURTS DAMN IT!!" Natsu yells holding his head with both his hands. He looks up. The door was still steady and same despite the giant explosion. Almost as if he was laughing at Natsu's pathetic condition.

This annoys him. That ancient wall... it pissed him. Natsu gets up and runs towards the door, leaping across the stairs in one go, "FIRE DRAGON'S SECRET ART: CRIMSON LOTUS PHOENIX BLADE!!"


"Huh? Did the ground just shake?" Lucy whispers, looking at the floor. She taps it lightly with her feet, for some reason, and when the rumbling doesn't happen again, she sighs.

"Maybe just my imagination..."


"First try... Damn... second try... third try---..nineteenth try!!! What the heck?!" Natsu yells in exhaustion. He tried every single attack he knew but the door was still the same, laughing at him just like before. Nothing changed.

He falls on the ground, defeated by a door...

"Just wait jerk... I will break you this time..." Natsu says pouting towards it, panting heavily.

If the door could talk, I wonder what he would say...?

Natsu looks at his palm, still lying on the ground. "My magic is not in my control..." He says, trying to justify his defeat.

This annoys him even more. Thinking of excuses for something like this...
He curses the door with another yell and jumps up again on his feet.

"Here w-we go..." Natsu says, drowsing a little.

Before Natsu could punch, he falls on the ground. The fatigue took over. After four days of no body movement, this little exercise was a bit much.

Now Natsu lies flat in front of the door. But as his head hits the ground, a idea flashes in his mind. This idea made him feel like an total idiot for trying so hard.

Natsu grins, pretending that nothing happened and stands upright. He jerks his head around to see no one was here to see him being a total idiot for about 10 minutes.

"Forced gate closure..." He mumbles softly and disappears, leaving glittering embers behind.

"Now, forced gate opening!" He yells as soon as he reaches celestial world. As he does so, appears back in Fairytail.

In normal conditions, he should have appeared next to Lucy. But this time he appeared in front of a wall beside the entry of the infirmary. He was confused and looks around yhe corridor for Lucy. She was no where to be found.

Natsu realizes why this happened. His magic was actually acting weird! He wasn't just excusing his defeat. It was a valid reason!

He looked happy instead of being confused or worried. He whistles innocently and walks towards the entrance of the infirmary, in hope to find Lucy.

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