Chapter 12

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We arrived home and placed down all the stuff we bought and i was just a bit tired but we were going swimming in like an hour or so. so i headed to my room for a while grabbing the bag full of my stuff. and of course bella and slash were left alone. hey they are cute.

i started singing nightrain by guns n roses because well it reminded me of axl.

"i'm on the nightrain, ready to crash and burn... i never learn" i sung to myself quietly. opening my door. my eyes were closed for a quick second but it felt like i wasn't alone. i opened my eyes to feel a pair of hands covering my vision.

"nice singing." a deep husky voice said. axl? but he doesn't come back till tomorrow evening!

"axl?" i asked.

"how'd yknow?" he asked me. i swung around so i could see him.

"because your smell. plus your voice" i claimed. he raised an eyebrow.

"i smell? well is it good or bad?" he asked me.

"well what do you think." our faces were so close that i could've kissed him but i decided not too.

"hmmm good?" he moved in closer grabbing my waist.

"so... what was the thing that you wanted to talk to me about?" i asked getting a bit nervous but also a bit excited.

"right. okay well i- i like you. a lot and i've never liked anyone apart from my ex. but i need you to know that i am troubled and i- my- i..." he tried to find words but i grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes.

"it's okay. take your time" i calmed him down a bit.

"alright well... i've been having let's say 'casual sex' with people and others at the same time but i was never really with them. and well my childhood... i didn't really have one. what happened was" he told me everything that i wanted to know. it was a sad story... and i felt so bad.

"oh axl... i-" i got cut off.

"listen i want to date you but i'm scared that i will hurt you somehow. either by my aggression or..." he stopped there not wanting to finish. hey sure i didn't really know what a broken heart felt like but i sure know it wouldn't be pleasant.

"well... i guess i'm ready to take that risk." i said bluntly smiling at him. he picked his head up and looked at me, his eyes were soft and i know he doesn't want to hurt people. he just does.

"but- i don't want to hurt you" he said panicking.

"shhh! don't worry. you won't hurt me, i know you won't okay?" i said leaning in closer to him, our faces inches away from each others lips.

i craved for him. i couldn't help myself, i leaned in. i kissed him passionately he kissed back just with as much passion. i guess he was craving me too, i opened my eyes for quick second to see bella and slash standing there watching us like some creeps.

"CREEPS!" i yelled at them. pulling away from axl. bella just cooed and slash followed. axl started blushing a bit.

"omg! can we not have our time alone or should we invade you two? hmm how would u like that!" i raised my voice. it was kinda funny but my first kiss with him since he was back i didn't want people to watch.

"alright. calm down. we're going now" bella said grabbing ahold of slash's hand.

"oh alright i will grab my stuff!" i said jumbling my bed around as i find what i'm looking for. axl grabs my waist and picks me up in his arms. where is he taking me now??

"i'm going with yous i'm not being stuck here alone." axl said still holding onto me. he walked me out the door and then placed me down, i was keeping my hold on his arm. i interlocked my fingers with his.

"alright well who is driving?" slash asked. i looked at them both and sighed. knowing they would probably take forever to decide. but luckily it wasn't that long before axl won. slash was bummed out but he got to sit in the back alone with bella whilst i got to sit next to axl up in the front.

we had arrived and i would super nervous because my bikini was the only thing i brought with me. i did buy a full swimsuit but i left it at home. we got out the car as we waved to the boys as they headed into the boys changing rooms, and us girls went into the girls changing rooms.

"so finally axl can see you in that bikini!" bella said almost more excited than me. i mean i was just as excited but my nerves were showing instead of my excitement.

"i know but i'm nervous what if he doesn't like my body?" i let my insecurities get the better of me...

"how? he's already seen it!" she said trying to make me feel better.

"yeah but not all of it, he never seen my ass. or my tits properly." i told her. hearing people screaming 'omg it's axl rose.' or 'it's slash from guns n roses!'

"he will love your body i'm sure of it!" bella tried to calm my nerves down.

"okay. well i'm gunna get changed now" i said walking into a shower room.

i got changed from my red plaid and into my red bikini, and walked back out seeing a mirror. i tried to admire my body but the stretch marks... i'm so ugly.

"y/n. your fine. let's go!" she said knowing that i was probably being negative about myself. so we walked out into the pool and saw a whole crowd around axl and slash. some girls in way revealing bikinis than me. i stormed up to them. pushing through to see a girl pretty much throwing herself on top of him.

"bitch get off of my boyfriend." i said standing with my arms crossed. she turned around and so did everyone else, i heard 'her? but she's so ugly' from a few people around me.

"does anyone wanna meet my fist? hmm? because i would sure like to introduce you to them" i said as a couple scrambled off. but i still had them 2 girls that just wouldn't leave. i tapped them on the shoulder so they would turn around, luckily they did.

"prove that he's your boyfriend then!" she sounded angry. but i mean i can prove it. i pushed her out of the way sending her flying onto the ground. axl smirked and leaned in. i teased him a bit but finally gave him what he wanted. a gentle passionate kiss on his lips.

i turned around to see the girls furious and storming off. i didn't exactly want to show who's boss like that but it had to be done. axl held my waist looking me up and down. he quickly turned me around and slapped my ass.

"axl!" i squealed. he chuckled and put his arm over me. we walked over to the ladder but axl wanted to be cool, so instead he tried to dive in. resulting getting him in trouble. he apologised and then swam over to me. i was still almost fully dry with the tiny specks of water from axl's very cool entrance.

i dunked my legs into the pool feeling it's temperature. it wasn't cold but not that warm either. he grabbed a hold of my thighs and squeezed them pulling me out of my trance. i looked down at him and smiled. he held out his hands and returned the smile. i placed both my hands into his as he pulled me into his arms in the water.

i looked over his shoulder to see bella and slash having a really good time. they were a pretty good couple, i guess i was just shocked earlier when she told me. plus i wasn't so sure what was going on with me and axl anyway.

"are you okay?" he asked worriedly. i look back in front of me and see axl looking a little worried, but i nodded my head continued to look into the distance.

"you sure? who or what are you looking at" he asked me. i turned back once again and splashed him, he widened his eyes and gave me the 'don't mess with me' look.

i wasn't threatened all though i should've been...

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