Chapter 11

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i wouldn't leave my bed for a whole day, even bella was a bit worried. i'm usually not really sad but i really like axl and seeing him leave especially after we just had sex was hurtful. i decided it was finally time to stop moping around in my room and get up.

that was until my phone started buzzing, i was getting a call from someone called 'W.A.R' i've never had anyone in my contacts called that. axl did have my phone before he left, maybe he did this. anyways i picked it up and answered.

"hey. didn't think you would actually pick up this time" a familiar raspy voice spoke through the phone.

"axl?" i asked feeling happy to hear his voice again.

"yeah it's me! listen i'm coming back earlier than expected so i will be back around tomorrow afternoon." he said. that was the best news i've gotten so far this week! i really shouldn't have been so over dramatic about him leaving for a couple of days!

"yay! i'm so excited!" i said getting up and walking to the kitchen.

"yeah i'm excited to see you. because i need to talk to you about well what happened a few days ago..." he sounded very serious and that's when my heart skipped a beat. shit... am i in trouble? does he not want to be with me. was i bad at yknow sex? does he have another girlfriend... am i not good enough for him?

"o-oh is it good?" i asked him my voice kinda dropped a bit saying that.

"i hope so!" he responded. thank god?

"so what are you up to?" i asked him. he didn't respond as fast.

"oh ermm..." he whispered just loud enough so i could hear it. "i'm lying in bed." he said quickly. not sure if his decision

"uh huh. why did you take so long to answer" i asked

"well i've been erm. okay look i will tell you tomorrow." he said quickly.

"alright?" i questioned.

"anyway gotta go bye y/n" he said before hanging up.

"goodbye then??" i mumbled confused placing my phone in my pocket.

he confuses me sometimes. i mean yeah he's gorgeous but he's not the best person to communicate with i guess. he's sweet but i still can't forget what bella and slash were talking about, even axl admitted it. but i never knew. i wonder if i ever will...

i heard someone come behind me since i was in the kitchen. i turned around almost giving myself whiplash. i see bella. she looks concerned and maybe a bit worried.

"bella i'm okay" i tried to reassure her. but she sat down next to me and looked into my eyes.

"you guys. had. sex! and didn't tell me?!" she spat getting all excited to hear the details. so this is why she was worried and concerned.

"well. my first time and i don't know if he wanted anyone to know." i replied.

"i'm sorry but yknow he does want everyone to know! anyways details!" she asked for them.

"b-b ughhh fine." i gave in. she wanted details but there wasnt much.

"alright so at first he was very sweet and kept asking for permission to go further. actually it was a nice first. not great but not not great? it was amazing and it felt amazing but i wish we could've done a bit more." i said realising that it pretty much made no sense...

"that makes sense?" she teased me.

we both laughed and ended up checking the swimming times at our local pool. we wanted to go swimming but i didn't have a swimming costume since i grew out of mine.

"maybe we can go shopping?" bella asked. i actually didn't mind that.

"yeah sure let's go!" i said getting excited.

"slash! babe!" bella yelled throughout the house.

"wow. your on babe already?" i teased. she looked at me as slash came running over to us.

"yeah?" he asked absolutely clueless.

"drive. us. shopping. now?" bella said giving him a peck on his cheek. they were cute together, but it's been hard for slash these past few months and i didn't want anyone to break his heart and give him more stress.

slash picked up his car keys and we headed for the store. it was a short drive well it sure felt like it. we finally arrived at the shops and slash parked the car. we first looked in River island to see what there was and actually they did have a nice swimsuit. but i didn't go for it. so i decided that we should look in Gucci. ( UK don't have a gucci shop? )

they agreed and we set off to gucci, when we stepped foot in the shop i could already see a really nice bikini but it's a bikini...

i practically ran up to it admiring its beauty, it was a nice red colour with parts of metal circles on the top piece.

( i found this on the internet

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( i found this on the internet. now my history is full of bikinis- but what about bikini bottom 🍍)

bella knew i wanted it but she could tell i was holding back from buying it, it was nice but it reveals too much. especially to boys.

"axl would see you in it" she teased. i rolled my eyes playfully and fiddled with my hair deciding whether to buy it or not. she knew i wanted to and slash was just to busy trying to tease bella by kissing her neck.

"i mean it's really nice but it's a bit revealing... i don't know. yeah okay axl might like it but he's probably not going to see me in it." i say. bella started looking a bit guilty. she knows something i don't.

"please buy it! it looks so cool and it would look good ok you." bella pleaded. i finally gave in. i decided to buy it.

so we set off home.

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