Chapter 5

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long story short, i hate alcohol. and i can't stand the smell of it either. the way it makes people... just no. everyone stared at me when i walked through, so i just waved a little and smiled. i saw riley, no sign of axl which i guess was good? i mean at least he wasn't flirting with her.

"bestie!" i heard a very familiar voice come up from behind me. i turned around just in time to see bella! we hugged for a quick moment before she let me go. she held out her hand as i took it in my own. we walked over to the floor where everyone was, i felt like i've been here before but i know i haven't.

"so let's get this party started! everyone has to be drunk. or we can play truth or dare" riley said. of course riley would want to play truth or dare or have everyone drunk. which wouldn't happen, well not for me i could never get drunk. i stay away from all that stuff.

"y/n! you go first." bella chimed, of course it was me! i looked around and saw axl come back with a really pretty brunette. damn i was a bit jealous...

"alright heh... i don't know anyone's names..." i whispered to bella. she pointed at the blonde dude and said that was Duff, then the brunette dude over by riley was izzy. and no one really knew the brunette girl that axl was clinging onto.

"okay but can i still wait my turn because i don't know anything about them." i was still whispering to bella. she nodded and said that she would go first.

"izzy! truth or dare?" bella asked him. he perked his head up and started thinking.

"dare." he said bluntly. bella didn't take that long to think of a dare.

"i dare you to sing pink fluffy unicorns." bella dared him. he shook his head and stood up, i think he was a bit drunk already. and then he started to sing the song that was requested. now let me just say he wasn't even singing really it was more like screaming. everyone was laughing though.

it was now my turn and guess who i got, riley. she looked at me with a sinister look on her face.

"now y/n, truth or dare? don't be boring!" riley dragged. she was also drunk. bella beside me was also a little drunk but not too bad plus she's drinking water right now.

"uhh. dare" i said, although thinking about my decision i knew i picked the wrong one. riley didn't even have to think about it! it's like she already has it planned out.

"i dare you to get really really really drunk. like drink 2 bottles of whiskey no water!" she projected throughout the house. now of course i don't drink never have never will. the things it does to people...

"i- i..." i tried to disagree and get her to pick another dare but it couldn't come out properly. i got handed a half empty bottle of whiskey, i froze. my muscles tightening. my chest tightening, i couldn't breathe properly.

"chug! chug! chug!" the whole of the house chanted to me. i really couldn't understand why i did what i did, but i can't go back now can i. i placed the bottle to my lips and tipped my head up. feeling the liquid pour down my neck, leaving a stinging sensation.

by the time everyone stopped chanting the bottle was gone. empty. and because i got dared to drink 2 bottles i had to drink another one, so i got handed another and everyone started chanting again. lined up with my lips, i didn't mind the stinging sensation but it's what happens afterwards. when you forget stuff and you become either violent or sick.

i couldn't finish the last of the bottle about a quarter was left and i placed it on the table, already feeling a bit woozy.

"y/n your turn again! truth or dare?" someone said, i couldn't remember who. just someone did.

"oh ermm dare! no truth. i don't know... both hehe..." i dragged on, not even a little bit of me was still sober. i was about to be out like a light probably.

"alright both. is it true that your a virgin?" someone asked me. i held my breath. and looked at axl, he was staring back at me.

"yeah..." i said shamefully. turning my head back to the crowd.

"wait. has anyone ever touched you before." they asked me. i shook my head.

"anyways moving on i dare you to stay the night here, with someone." they dared, but who would i stay with anyways? my brother? or axl...?

"axl i dare u too stay the night with y/n!" bella chirped. and i could see the reaction from riley, not good. riley stood up and walked over to me, grabbing my hair and dragging me out. everyone shocked and looking at me and riley. i tried to punch her but i couldn't even stand.

"whoah! let her go what's going on?" practically everyone asked but didn't really seem to care that much.

"let me go!" i yelled at her. we got outside and it was getting dark. she pushed me to the ground.

"he's mine!" riley claimed. everyone else walking out to see or hear the scene.

"riley! you think everyone is yours! you have a boyfriend and your flirting with everyone and now axl? what more do you want fucks sake." i said watching everyone staring at me.

"what? your such a bitch! and you can't say anything. you have a boyfriend! and what do you think he would do to you if he found out you have been sneaking around with axl!" she spat. my eyes widened and i scoffed.

"me? sleeping with axl?! ARE YOU FUCKING OUT OF YOUR MIND" i yelled pausing. "i'm a loyal girlfriend. and i wouldn't do anything to hurt him." i finished. taking in breaths.

"you a loyal girlfriend? your flirting with axl!" riley snarled.

"i wasn't flirting with axl! i'm sorry you think being friends with a man is flirting. oh and you can't say anything! you're a slut" i spat back at her. i kinda regretted saying the last part but it was true.

"yeah well at least i can actually get touched or have sex unlike you. and by the way i texted jack, i told him this address and that you should be punished for what you've done." she said before walking back inside. my eyes widened, still confused and worried about him.

a car pulled up screeching. and all i could hear was the sound of my heartbeat. my vision was blurry as i turned around to see an angry jack running towards me. my chest tightening again. my body froze right there and then. without any warning i was down on the cold wet concrete.

I'm trying... || Axl RoseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon