Chapter 3

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he pulled up outside of the school entrance, he gave me a quick smile and then ignored eye contact with me.

"heh. well thanks for the ride oh and the starbucks even though i paid for it" i thanked him and he just gave me a quick nod, he's so confusing. then all of a sudden half of the school were looking at the car. i watched axl's reaction turn very quickly into a panic.

why were half the school legit legging it over to the car. axl went to step on the gas but i stopped him.

"axl! slow down why are half the school coming over?" i tried to ask, begging for an answer.

"because, something to do with my fame but usually i would be flattered but your in my car and i can't be seen with you." he stated before trying to step on the gas again. his words kind of dug into me like a dagger... he doesn't even want to be seen next to me? even as friends. well of course just friends!

"axl! stop ive got to get out anyways but will you tell micheal to pick me up please!" i opened the door climbing out but i felt the touch of a hand on my wrist.

"no i won't because i'll just pick you up." he said pausing "anyway have a good day i guess." he mumbled before u shut the door on his voice.

after that pretty much Riley, Bella and well the whole school were in my face. asking me questions like 'why were you with axl rose?!' 'how did u meet him?' 'are you dating?!' i was tired and didn't want to deal with all these questions so i just walked past them all barging my way to my maths class.

"y/n! that looked like the red-headed boy you mentioned on the phone." Bella chirped excitedly. i could tell she was excited but Riley seemed more interested in the boy beside her. flipping her hair, don't get me wrong i love Riley she's my best friend but sometimes she can be a bit of a man eater i guess.

"so what if he is the guy i mentioned about. he is just kind that's all." i said raising one of my eyebrows. she just looked at me with one of her looks. i don't want to start with her though.

"ohhh but we know that it's not just a boy" she grinned as i placed my head in my arms. wanting to get away from the embarrassment.

"but you do know that he is famous? right?" she asked me but i actually didn't know anything about this boy. all i know is that he's a red-headed green eyed man with a gorgeous body. ew no!

"no i did not. how is he famous" i ask as basically the whole class that heard me turned around and gave me a disgusted look.

"WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT" i yelled through the whole class, maybe i was a tad bit angry he didn't tell me but i have no clue.

"whoah okay calm down y/n. he's famous because he's in a band called Guns n' Roses." she said as my eyes widened. he's THE axl rose from Guns n Roses?! i had no idea i mean i never looked at what the people in the band looked like so that's probably why. but i've been saved by him and driven by him to starbucks and school.

"alright class settle down! the bell is about to ring but because we have a little time y/n. how would you like to share how you met axl rose!" mrs saunders projected and the class just looked at me, some were already looking but whatever. i was about to say no but then the class started asking the exact same questions that they had asked earlier on. some didn't know who axl was. i mean i didn't.

ring, ring, ring ringgggg thank god! i'm leaving school. i searched for the entrance because i was in a rush i was forgetting everything. my class were still following me, but now my breathing started getting heavy and fast. my chest tightened. i felt like i was about to faint, my vision a bit blurry.

until i ran into Jack, he looked mad like real mad. i stopped in my tracks and started trying to hide from him, but the class blew my cover. he walked over to me and pinned me by my arm. the class saw this and started walking away from the scene.

"jack what do you want" i said bluntly still trying to get out of his grasp. but he was strong.

"i want to know why that dude was in your house plus he drove you to school!" he raised his voice at me. i just gave him a disgusted look.

"GET OFF HER!" i heard a familiar hot voice. we turned around to see axl running towards us, but as soon as jack seen him he started to flee. axl. grabbed my arm and we started running back to the car but of course the class saw us and started to take out their phones.

we quickly got into the car as i rushed my seatbelt on, axl stepped on the peddles and off we went. he was speeding a little bit but to be fair we were getting chased by a whole school. he slowed down once we were out of it though.

"hey thanks for saving me again." i thanked him quietly. he kept his eyes on the road and didn't say a thing. wow rude much you could've said your welcome!

"your boyfriend. he's a pussy. he can't even face me" axl finally spoke up. i nodded and sighed heavily. my chest relaxing from earlier. i gave him a quick glance before turning my head the other way and focusing on the trees passing.

"yeah i guess he is..." i said before he looked at me for a split second.

"why haven't you broken up with him yet?" axl asked me. which was a bit weird but i just answered anyway.

"i don't know... i guess i'm scared of what he'll do to me." i tried to keep calm but my voice was shakey when i said it. i didn't want anyone to know that i was scared of my own boyfriend...

"well don't be. because if you ever need me i'll be there somewhere" he said placing his hand on my thigh, before taking it back he gave a quick smile at me.

he pulled up in the driveway, i gave him a quick wave when i got out. he did the same i guess. i rushed into the house, and got changed quickly. i still kept the starbucks cup from earlier i don't know why. i just did...

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