She nods her head and we separate. While I'm trying to think of the next steps my phone starts to ring. I glance down and see the name of the label flash across my phone.

"Hello," I answer with hesitancy.

"Aubree," a women asks.

I take a seat on one of the chairs. "This is she," I tell her bouncing my knee. Right now I have no energy to be dealing with the record label all I want is get to the hospital.

"This is Angle one of the owners of TC Record Label." Sweat breaks out on my forehead. Why is she calling me. "You are probably wondering why I'm calling you." Is she a mind reader. "Let me put you out of your misery because I'm sure you want to be on your way to the hospital. About ten minutes ago Jerry was arrested for child pornography, having sexual relations with a minor and a slew of other disgusting charges. First let me apologies for his poor behavior when it came to you over the years."

"Thank you ma'am," I tell her shocked to be hearing this.

"Your very welcomed. I understand there was a falling out between you and one of the members of Steep Wolf?"

"Yes," I say unsure where she is going with this.

"Each of the other band members have reached out with me to share how they feel this is something you can Ryder can over come. They also started how the desperately want you back. Going as far as to threaten to leave the label." She sighs and continues. "What I'm getting back is TC Record Label wants you back and in charge of Steel Wolf. We can discuss the terms of your return at a later time, but I can promise  all will be different. You will have more control and of course a raise. I give you my word. So what do you think are you in?"

I need no time to consider her offer. So far it was everything I could want. "I'm in. I would love nothing more to be back with Steel Wolf."

"Wonderful," she says gleefully. "Now the next part I ask with a heavy heart. First priority is always Ryder health and wellbeing. I also understand you and Ryder are in love and this might be difficult for you, but I need you to run damage control best you can with what is happening now. Can you handle this?"

I choke on my words. "I can. Plus Skylar can help me," I reassure her. 

"Good good. I already had a car sent to collect you and take you to the hospital. I believe the driver will be someone you both recognize."

"Thank you, but what about my car," I ask her not wanting to leave it parked in the parking lot over night.

"I've already sent someone to collect both yours and Skylar's vehicles. They have been directed to take them to your residence. Now with Jerry no longer working for us if you need anything you can reach me or one of the others with anything. We are all stepping into his role for now until we are able to hire someone new." 

Once again I thank her and end the call. I add the phone number in my contacts list and face Skylar. "Well I'm officially your boss again," I tell her.

She gives me a half smile. "What's first boss?"

I catch Robby's eye and wave him over. He explains after they remove the wire and take a few statements from me I'll be able to leave. He apologies and states they need to do this to keep the evidence in tact. So I go through the process, but they do so as quickly as the can and before I can comprehend everything they have me walking to the car waiting to take me to the hospital.

I weep with relief when I see Frank is the one standing next to the car. He holds the door open for both me and Skylar. Neither of us say a word, but I find comfort in having him here. Frank is another member of our family at this point. He zips through the crowded Nashville streets and in no time flat we are in front of the hospital.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now