"What now?" Ethan asked and Aiden stared at the school. He had an opportunity here. An opportunity to be a dick. He looked at Ethan, smiling wide.

"No. No way." Ethan said, already knowing what he was thinking.

"We never finished."

"And we don't have to." His brother tried to convince, but Aiden was hard headed.

"What if I want to."

"You.. you seriously want to go back to high school? Is this about Gwen?" Ethan asked, not understanding why anyone who didn't have to go back to high school would want to go back willingly.

"This is about getting Scott to change his mind.. and also about ruining Gwen's life here." He added with a small voice. Ethan let out a disgruntled sigh, not understanding why he was even listening to Aiden's stupid reasons, "look, we're not just betas anymore. We're omegas. The bitches, remember? When everyone we've screwed over finds out we don't have a pack anymore, what do you think is going to happen? We're dead on our own." He said, bringing up their past discrepancies thanks to Deucalion.

"That's still better than being back in high school," Ethan joked, "no way. I'm not doing it." He went to walk away but stopped when Aiden didn't move, continuing to smirk.

"What?" Ethan asked turning around to see what Aiden was looking at. His heart dropped into his stomach seeing Danny flirting with another guy at the benches near the entrance of the school. Danny laughed and lightly touched the other boy's arm, lingering for far longer than the werewolf would've liked to admit. He heard his brother playfully wince and he turned around to look at him, irritated.

"I'm not taking math." Ethan said and Aiden patted him on the back.

"I'll take it for you." He said, leading them to the building to re-enroll.


Gwen had walked into Economics taking her usual seat in front of Lydia, who was looking at her phone in boredom.

"Morning, Red." She said placing a caramel frappe on the girls desk. Lydia's jaw dropped in a gasp and she put her phone down immediately.

"Ugh, you're a life saver. Thank you!" She said as she started to sip on the drink, eyes rolling to the back of her head as the taste hit her mouth.

"And you say I'm weird about bacon." Gwen joked and Lydia looked at her, cutting her eyes.

"Oh please, you drink blood in a travel cup everyday like a vampire businessmen. I don't want to hear it." Gwen put her hand on her chest, feigning hurt from her words at her mouth gaped.

Just as she was about to joke back, a large thud was heard behind the doorway leading to coach's office.

"Son of a bitch!" He yelled and all the students started to laugh at his exclamation. He walked out of the office, hair tossled around from falling to the floor.

"Mischief night, devil's night, I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil. You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged? A mans house is supposed to be his castle," he walked around as the students continued to chuckle and slammed his hand down on Scott's desk, "mines a friggin' omelette!"

Lydia rolled her eyes at Coach's antics and continued to scroll through her phone, boredom overtaking her.

"Oh, this?" Coach said, picking up another present placed on his desk, "we're gonna do this again? I don't think so!" He said throwing it in the floor and stepping on it, hearing it shatter. He quirked his brow, opening the box and looking inside to see a mug with his picture on it labeled '#1 Coach'. He opened the card on the desk with it, saying 'Happy Birthday, Love Greenberg'. He sighed and picked up all the glass shards while continuing to rant.

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