But nothing replied as expected. Things are never easy when it comes to situations like these. The smell of these roses is making my head feel slightly heavy so I take in some of the sweets from the center of the table to keep myself from barfing.

This isn't right, I feel like thorns are digging into my skin, the pain is something I can shrug off by moving a bit but I can hardly move. Before I knew it, I'm suddenly dragged towards a chair by some invisible force and strapped there, rendering me completely helpless.

"Grrrk! This fucking sucks...! What the hell is going on.....why can't I move?!"

The scent of the roses strengthen to the point you could see it wafting around the place, a pink haze fills my eyes as my body nearly drops limp almost causing me to puke on myself. The pain on my body increases, causing drool to drip out from the corners of my mouth as I try to hold my pained screeches.

The world- no, this room feels like it's spinning round and round each time I blink, this sight is incredibly nauseous. I can't move, the only reason I haven't barfed yet is because of this single piece of candy that's about to fall from my mouth. The moment it's gone I'll lose myself, thus I attempt to use my tongue to keep it inside mouth.

"I-I can't......this smell is too.....strong!"

Everything is spinning, this pain feels like I'm dying ten times over. There's no way I'm surviving this, this thorn like feeling is wrapping around my head slowly. At this point I could see blood dripping from my arms. There's nothing there yet I'm being stabbed repeatedly, this isn't even torture anymore....this goes beyond the boundaries of that!

"Ufufufufufu, how does it feel? Doesn't the smell of my roses smell amazing?"

"L-let......me go! S-sthoooop thiiss......" This pain is more than I can handle now, it feels like my head is about to split apart in a few seconds but something else feels wrong.

Whoever talked just now has the ability to control this room is what I'm guessing, I can barely think but what I can say.... she's using some sort of vine to dig into my forehead.

"Hmmm~? If you truly want that then....beg for it, Daisuke."

"P-please.......I-I'm gonna die at this rate....!"

"Going to die you say? Well.....I suppose I can help you just this once, this will hurt a bit but bare with me."

Next thing I knew, the vine backs away and quickly thrusts forwards, piercing my forehead and effectively killing me off as I feel a sharp pain in my head before dropping to the floor like some ragdoll.

Although my death came, my mind only went blank for a few seconds before I'm suddenly standing back where I was initially when I entered the room. Instead this time I could see a small little silver hair girl sitting at one of the seats of the table drinking a cup of warm black tea.

Before I could take a single step, I drop to all fours on the ground and barf everything I've eaten up till this point, including the candy I ate minutes ago.

"Ufufufu, was that too much for your body to handle? Sorry, your face was too cute for me to let you go that easily. You see, I love watching people who are in torment."

The girl floats over to me and slowly lifts my head up as my vision slowly returns to normal. The pain on my body is gone now and for se reason the smell of these roses have completely weakened.

"Who are you....what the fuck did you do to me...."

"Yaaaaa~ what a handsome glare you're giving me, well before I reveal my name I must give you this first and invite her in."

The girl places a necklaces around my neck before opening the door behind my, letting two other people inside.

"Ayanokouji......Ray-chan? What are you two doing here?"

"I'm as confused as you, one second darkness and the next I'm suddenly in this room."

Ayanokouji responds to me with absolutely no difficulty, but Ray-chan just stares horrifically at the girl who is floating in front of me.

I've never seen such a terrified expression on Ray-chan's face before, her gaze is directly pointed towards this girl no less as if she knows who she is.

"Ufufufu! Seems like everyone is here, well my name is ®!@ and I am the host of this party you three are attending. Let's try our best to get to know eachother better."


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