Vol 3 Chapter 5.3

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Nothing is what it seems

Episode 0.1; Ghost

"Tch.....this is such a pain in the ass.... Care to explain?"

"Why should I? You put yourself through this trouble by inviting me out tonight just to watch you make seal a bargain."

Should have known the expressionless dipshit would basically prevent me from returning to the camp after what I said. Why can't this body just shut the fuck up when I want it to? Blame the owner, sure that's simple enough to say but when you have to deal with a bitch like Masako-chan, you'll gradually know your bitchin' ain't worth shit.

At least you realize that. You took my body so you have to deal with my personality, this is totally a personal matter.

I bet. After what happened a few minutes ago, Ayanokouji wouldn't let me go and basically blocked the way back to camp with his big ass body. Honestly the fact he reached in front of me so quickly was a dead surprised, but judging who he is it shouldn't come as a surprise in the first place.

I'm keeping my composure at least, even this guy can't scare me shitless even if he glares. Faced with death nothing can scare me anymore especially with this body, I've been laughing the shit at bullies and killers since I met Masako-chan.

"Look, if I don't get back soon they'll seriously start suspicion me. If that happens I'll make sure to pull you in with me."

"But you have no evidence. Besides there's a few things I wanted to ask, preferably about these 'anomalies' you mentioned."

He gets straight to the point after I've finally given up on running pass him. Ayanokouji either doesn't want to know how I've realized he's from that place or he's trying to draw attention away from that topic, probably the latter if I had to guess.

It's best to assume he's trying to pry information from us. I don't mind since I have no control over my body for the time being but don't go doing anything sketchy.

Sure I guess. Tell that to the sleepy airhead who created me in the first place, not being able to ascend to neither heaven nor hell can really do shit to a person, got it? That's basically the only reason why I'm still here, that and because the bastard wishes to see me again.


" 'So'?"

"You wanted to ask shit right? Get to it, I ain't standing around all day so ask the important ones 'fore I skedaddle."

I plant my ass onto a nearby dry rock. It did rain yesterday but none of it seemed to have reached this part of the forest.

At the same time, Ayanokouji stuffs his hands into his pockets and leans against the tree beside me. Does he think this is cool? If so it kinda is, though the act itself is pretty shitty and overused.

"Well I'll start with this, what are these 'anomalies' that you speak of?"

"I explained a small part of it earlier, something from yesterday happened yesterday in a different fashion."


Oi, try to explain things better so people who aren't really aware of this would actually understand your words.

Why are you acting like the brain of every operation?

That's because I am, now shut yer' yaps and explain it to him dingus.

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