Chapter 23:

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Their first meeting with the investor goes really well. They're expecting that it'll go well too for their 2nd and final meeting to be held this week.

V did his best this time. And, Jungkook hadn't plan on anything yet to ruin or hurt V more and make him suffer.

They're about to leave the said place, they're at the parking lot now. When, suddenly some woman came and approached Jungkook. She's tall, skinny, beautiful and she looks elegant and a high class one.

V felt some sense of jealousy at that. But he chooses to ignore it anyway.

She even kissed him on his right cheek.

V's POV:

I'm okay. It doesn't hurt at all. Why would I be hurt? Do I have any right to feel that way. Haaa! For God's sake, V! Pull yourself together. It's not like, he's your boyfriend neither your husband. He's your boss, and you are just his employee. So stop it now.

"It's so nice to see you again, Kookie..."

Kookie? Okay, no comment.

"Se-Ohn~ You look fabulous. You even look better now. So, how was your art gallery?"-he asks sweetly towards her.

Huh~ he didn't even acted like that in my dreams. He never acted that way towards Taehyung.

"And you look dazzling. Well. It's doing really good. Anyway, what happened to you. I'm sorry, I didn't get to attend to your father's burial day."

"Oh please~ Don't feel too bad about that. I know what happened to you so, I understand."

Hahaha~ Why am I here again?

I wasn't informed that, a free and live romantic movie will be just right in front of me.

And now what? Am I third-wheeling them now? Just great. Awesome. I think I need some popcorn.

"Anyway, shall we go chat a little bit. I missed hanging out with you."

"Of course yes."-Jungkook answers right away. "Oh~ Yeah. Wait. This is V. Vincent Kim, my secretary."

I was surprised... He really remembered about my existence this time. The existence that he says, he HATES a lot.

"H-hi~ I'm Vincent Kim."-I bowed to her. She looks nice. But still~ I'll still choose Taehyung over her.

"Oh... My bad, I thought he's your driver, bodyguard or something. I wasn't informed that, your secretary was actually a male one. Anyway, nice meeting you V."

What a plastic~ I bet she has a feeling for him. That's why, she's acting all clingy towards him.

But, she didn't said that I look familiar or what. Why? Didn't--- maybe, she's a new friend of him. That's why, she didn't knew about Taehyung.

We came at the famous art gallery which is now owned by her as she brags.

I saw Jimin hyung from not so far away from us. He's with some unfamiliar faces. Maybe, his co-workers. He waved at me and I also waved back.

Jungkook got some phone call so, he excused himself from us.

I was left with this bitch alone. I don't know why, but I don't feel too good around her.

" V, right? *She asks from behind me.* Do you know what that small base is?"

Well, it looks familiar. It's somehow intriguing.

We went nearer at it. It looks awesome.

"You can actually touch it if you want to see it nearer. Don't worry, that's okay."

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