Chapter 22:

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Jungkook informed V about their flight to Paris this coming Friday to meet their new business partner.

V was surprised to hear it from Jungkook at first. But later on, he decided and accepted that it might be for the best. At least, it won't be that hard for him to get their past business partner's approval. He won't be needing to do such thing just to get him back to their company.

But one thing is not making him relaxed. The thought of him leaving his siblings behind without even telling them in person where is he going and why. He badly wanted to say it to them in person. And though, he's really hesitant to go and talk it out with Jungkook. He chooses to pull himself together.

He's standing outside his room (Jungkook's room). He was about to knock on the door when he noticed that it wasn't close or locked at all. It was opened a little bit which give him a chance to finally have a look at his room and what's inside there.

He was amazed to see that the room is painted with black color. It's too dark. And the only thing that gives it some light was the light illuminating from the screen of the television.

Then, he heard some gasps and sobs inside the said room. He tried to step a little closer to hear what sound it really is and who's producing it.

"...Jungkook, I am almost 2 months pregnant from you. I___ I am carrying our baby, my angel."-it's a female voice.

But what surprised him was that, the voice sounded like him. Like a female version of his husky and deep voice. They sounded the same.

Then though it's not right to look at what's inside, he pushes the door a little bit to take a look at what's going inside. Then there, he saw Jungkook crying so hard, while watching it. He sobs loudly. Then, V saw an image on the tv. No, it's a video of a woman who looks like him. She is the one who's taking the video of herself. As if, he is just talking personal with whoever is the one who'll watch the clip.

"I... I am going to be a mom now. A-and I swear, I'll be the best mom for our child. I'll do everything that my mom weren't able to do when she died. E-even if you don't want us... I'll accept it gladly, and let you go. I_____ I just want you to know that, even if I could rewrite the stars by myself. I'll still choose for our fate to cross. That way, I could co-exist with you. That way, I could still have a reason to live... Jungkook, I love you so much. But, maybe we aren't made for each other. That is why, with all my love for you. I am giving you a choice. B-because, I don't want you to choose me because of this responsibility. If___ if you will choose me, it's not because of our baby, neither out of pity or it's because it is the right thing to do. I want you to___ choose me because you, love me too. And that, it's your own choice."

"I'm so--- sorry... I'm really sorry. I was late. I was too late to say to you. And to___ admit my feelings for you. B-but, I love you. I really do. I still love you now, Tae. You are the only one. The only one, who's keeping me alive and you are also the reason why___ I feel like I'm dead already. If I can only turn back the time... *Sobs loudly* I'd turn it back, Tae... I'll make sure. I'll make sure to love you right, to make you feel loved... And, to save you."

After hearing those words... It surely broked his heart into a million pieces. The pain is just too much. He hid himself on the other side of the wall. He uses his own palm to stop himself from making any other noises as he cries.

He was hurt. Hurt for Taehyung for what she just told on her video, and at the same time. He feels sorry for Jungkook.But at the same time, he feels that he's heart ache is undefinable. He is not so sure if it's just a pure sympathy or, some part of him felt hurt because of Jungkook's words. Maybe, he's JEALOUS that's why. But no matter what the reason is, he surely was hurt because of this. He's affected seeing the person he lives get hurt like this.

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