Chapter 11:

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Two days has passed. Now is the second part of their team building mission.

Their mission is simple. They'll need to go at the city capital of Japan and find some people who works for some Japanese artists, singers or idols. They'll ask for help from them to have an appointment with that artists. The group who'll succeed to have an interview with any Japanese artists will be the winner. This will test their social skills, their ability to attract people which will help them in their field especially, as an idols.

"The team leaders won't be coming with you this time. So, good luck."- Jin stated.

"What?!"-Jungkook yelled.

The other trainees as well as his friends looked at him confusedly.

"Oh yeah~ W-we forgot to tell you about it. It's because, we also have to build their self-esteem. So, we think it will only happen if they're not going to depend on us during the entire time. Don't you agree?"-Jin tries to explain.

"Y-yeah. I mean, you're right. I was just____ surprised coz--coz you never told me about it. Anyway, *he looks at V, V seems to noticed it but he managed to not look into his eyes. He is avoiding him to be exact.* Take care of yourselves. We'll look forward in your performance guys."

V seems to be sad because of his answer. But he never tried to show it. For him, it's better this way. So he won't feel extreme emotions inside of him anymore that is solely because of Jungkook.

Time skip~

When the trainees arrived at the capital. They started to go on their own directions. V ended up going on an alley, alone. He sighed deeply. He is asking strangers nicely, if they knew some celebrities in person or if they work for a Japan celebrities or idols. But it's of no use. It was already going dark. He actually found one who said that, he knew one artist which he also considers as a friend. But then, it turns out that the guy was only pranking him the whole time.

After that, he went to the small restaurant that he had seen. He's now starving from all the things he had done on the street for the whole day.

While walking near at the restaurant, his phone suddenly vibrated. The caller ID says it's a new number. He doesn't want to answer it, but then later on, he decided to pick it up anyway.

" Yes? Who is this?"-He softly asks.

"Yaah~ Why didn't you contacted me even for once huh? Where are you now kid?"-the other one complains which obviously sounds like Jungkook. It's Jungkook.

"J-jungkook? I mean, Mr. Jeon?"-he managed to say calmly.

"Why are you calling me that again? A-are you with someone else? Aren't you supposed to go one by one without any accompany?"-he asked sounding upset a little bit.

"First of all. I am calling you Mr. Jeon, coz it's your name as my boss. And I'm working right now. Also, I'm alone. Don't worry, I am not cheating on this test. I'm just going to eat at a restaurant coz I'm so hungry right now."-he says while pouting.

"... Where are you now?"-he asks.

"Why? Don't tell me you're going to come here~ Eeh? Come on, don't you trust me hyung? I can do this alone, really."-he replied as he now enters inside the restaurant.

"Order me some food too. I'll go with you... Send me your address, you need to be home too already."-he stated shortly which caught V off-guarded.

When he entered the small restaurant, he was surprised to see such a beautiful place inside. It's more likely a garden restaurant. It is astonishing. Finally, deciding to order his food after sending the address to Jungkook. He came face to face with a shocked and flustered man. He is quite tall.

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