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3rd person's POV:

"I've been living in this country for almost  18 years since then. Since I lost you, Taehyung. 18 years, yet no single day was spent without remembering you. You always comes inside my mind. Yet, whenever I'm asleep. You never come to visit me, instead it's always your death that keeps on replaying inside my mind."

He hugged his camera.

It's been 18 years, yet it still feels like yesterday. The pain was too fresh for it to heal just like that.

"I've been praying for you to come visit me just for once even if, it's just a dream. B-but only those sleepless nightmares of losing you... It's the only thing that keeps on haunting me. If, if I could only bring back the time."

Then he turned on the camera and re-watches her last video.


"I'm Kim Taehyung, aniyo~(no), I'm Jeon Taehyung. *She's wearing a big smile in her face* I'm just going to practice it here. Hope it goes well."

She shakes her hands up as she breathes heavily.

"Tonight is the BTS ball. And, and... Jungkook is my date. *Blushes* B-but, I have a surprise for him. I, I received Jessi eonnie's message. She, she actually conducted a test about me secretly. I'm going to tell it to Kookie. B-but, it makes me so nervous... So. Here I am. I am going to practice here. Hopefully, it goes well. I hate myself... *Pouts cutely* I always stutters alot when I'm speaking towards him."

Jungkook smiles a little bit while watching her.

"Let me practice, one more time... *Breathes heavily* Jeon Jungkook. Hi~ I'm Kim Taehyung. Maybe, you don't really remember me. B-but, I still do remember you. You're the first person who said 'Hi' to me without looking down or being disgusted on me. I was 9 back then, and you were 13 that time. The first time we met... But then, because of some accident when you saved my life. Y-you lost your memory. That's why, since then____ I promised myself to find you. Then I found you again, after so many years. I said to myself that, I'll do everything. Everything for you to remember me again. But___ I guess it'll never gonna happen."

She pauses as she looks down.

"But don't worry~ I'm not mad. I'll never get mad at you, my savior. That's why, when they asked me to marry you. Without second thoughts, I said yes. *Smiles genuinely* I am not expecting you to return my love for you. B-but, but now that, IU, your real love is back... I'm willing to let you go. For your own happiness, I'm willing to sacrifice my own happiness. I'm grateful for the short time that we had been together. *Her eyes has started to teared up.*"

Then she held onto the camera with her right hand.

"And___ and I'll be f-forever grateful to you for giving me another reason to live. *Cries while still smiling* Jungkook. That night when you got drunk, you didn't raped me at all. I give up myself on you. Because, that's how much I loved you. Y---yes. Jungkook, I am almost 2 months pregnant from you. I___ I am carrying our baby, my angel."-she smiles as she showed her womb which is so small yet.

Then he cried hard again as he hugged it tightly.

"I'm so--- sorry~"- he sobs. " I, I failed to protect you... I'm sorry, I broked my promise. I'm sorry, it was too late for me, too late t say how much you mean to me... How much, I love you. My Taehyungie."

For the past years. That's how his life works. It always ends up with him crying at nights after doing his job. When he's inside his room.

But it'll change~

Today, he is going back to Seoul. His father died last week. And his mom, got sick. So he'll need to take over the position in their company though he likes it or not.

"Going back home."- he smiles bitterly. " I guess, I'll never have that said place, ever again__________ without YOU."

And with that, the airplane landed to Seoul Airport giving him a glimpse of the busy city of Seoul. It really has changed a lot after 18 years. It's full of tall buildings, modern architecture and technologies. It's as if, he slept for a century then woke up to this time.

This is indeed, a new chapter of his life. The new chapter of his life is yet to unfold. A new beginning is waiting for him. A new reason to live and to love again.

Author's note: Don't forget to click that ⭐ button to show support for this story. Enjoy reading the story.

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