Chapter 10:

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The next morning they were given free times of themselves to go around and visit some tourist spots in Japan. V didn't know about it. It's because he woke up late. When he woke up, Jungkook is still deep in his sleep.

Feeling his body a little bit heavy, he went down in the dining room to eat something. He cooked some ramen for himself, and for Jungkook as well. Just in case he wakes up and ask for something to eat.

After munching onto his food. When he was about to look if Jungkook was already awake and ask him about the others, he bumped into something suddenly... Or someone to be exact.

He looked up, and meet with the latter's eyes that is staring at him sternly. Making him doubt his whole existence for being to weak when he meets the other one's strong gaze.

"Are you okay now, kid?"-he asks coldly.

V on the other hand nodded nonchalantly.

He was just too occupied by his own thoughts about the said male to answer in word.

Jungkook reaches up to his forehead to check onto him if he didn't catch any cold.

They're hearts are beating so loud, but in sync. It's amazing how one stare towards one another made them froze directly on their spots. As if, the world stopped from revolving around the sun. As if, they're the only one who matters.

"It seems like you're okay now, kid."

V got annoyed just by hearing the latter called him kid.

"K-kid?___ I'm sorry but, I Ain't a kid. I'm 18 years old just so you know."-he replied sounding irritated.

"Relax kid, I know you're 18 years old, but you're still a kid."-then he smirks. "What did you eat?"-he asked as he walks near at him. They're just a few inches away from each other now.

"Uh--I--it's just r-ramen."-he stutters.

"I smelled it, your breath says it all."-Jungkook teases.

V pushes him away as he reaches for the bowl that he kept warmth.

"H-here. I made some fo-for you."- V tried to lessen the tension between them.

Jungkook just chuckled at his flustered reaction.

"W-what? You don't like it?___ umm. I'll just throw it away then."

Then, he goes to his direction and grabbed the bowl in his hand immediately.

V was surprised at his action.

"I thought you don't like it?"

"Well. I never said anything. Which means that, I never said I don't like it or that I won't eat it. You're just easily jumping onto conclusion Mr. Kim, isn't it?"-he playfully stated.

V went inside their shared room to take a bath after that awkward situation.

After taking a bath, and finally dressing up himself. He calls Alex.

"Al... Where are you guys? Did you go on a team mission without me?"-he said sounding upset.

"Relax, V. Okay? We just went for some tour. I mean, each one of us are probably scattered around Japan, for some tour. Our team leaders says so."

"Huh? And you didn't even bothered to tell me? And what about Jungkook-hyu-- I mean, Mr. Jeon. Why is he still there then?"

"Oh yeah. The other team leaders didn't bother you both, since it looks like you both need to warm up and rest the whole day... Jungkook, might have catch some cold after saving you and then making you wear his own jackets leaving him with his thin shirt on."-he explains.

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