Chapter 9:

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Morning, today is the day when they're going to do their first activity for their team building. One team with Jungkook and Suga as team leaders, and the other having Jimin and Jhope as team leaders. RM, and Jin will be the one to record everything else in the game.

"Okay, so... Today, we're going to some mountain hiking. Yes. The winner will be the team to get much number flags than the other ones. It will test both the individual and group or team work's capacity of each teams. So, please be responsible of one another. Remember, never lose your teammates. Anyway, Jungkook's team will start on the south side. And then, Jhope's team will start on the north side."- RM explains carefully.

"And of course! There are some easy challenges along your ways to make it more exciting and thrilling... And idol doesn't only perform well, but he tries to excel at everything as well. Keep that in mind. Your teammates, is like half of your body. If they lost, you also loses. So, let's start the challenge... Shall we?~"

They all started running from the entrance of the forest at its each sides, when they heard the gun shot at the top of the mountain.

While lost at the forest, and still didn't got any flags, Jungkook made up his decision.

"Okay! We should regroup ourselves. We won't find no flags at all, if we didn't try to spread away. If you find a flag, make sure to come with your pair at the top of this mountain where our finishing line is. Understood?"

The members all agreed. Jungkook was about to get V as his partner when another trainee came forward and asked to be his partner instead. Well, he can't do anything. He can't refuse it, it would sound rude and unfair for others if he chooses V. V on the other hand, felt a little bit sad because of that. He thought he can finally apologize to Jungkook, properly when they're alone.

He was partnered up with Brey. The trainee who is known to be the most selfish one and egocentric... Well, he is a dickhead to be exact. He does everything that he wants, though it might hurt others.

Once V and Brey was alone in the middle, V started to walk forward. Trying to calm himself.

"Uh--- do you think, we can find some flag here?"-he asked softly.

No response.

V continued to walk still lost with his own thoughts. He is bothered with his partner, and most importantly with Jungkook.

"Should we go to the other way or path?--- may be, we can find something else there."

When he got no response, he just continued on walking. He took the other path. A path that seems to have not been used for such a long time ,based on how it looks like.

Now, the sky is going dark.

Jhope's team got 6 flags overall. But they are still waiting for 2 students. Jungkook's team on the other hand got 8 flags, but they're still waiting for the 2 pairs who are not still yet around. To say that, Jungkook doesn't feel good about it and is freaking out inside is an UNDERSTATEMENT.

V is still walking on that path. The pathway is going darker. And he begun creep out coz of the silence around him. He can't even hear his partner's footsteps anymore.

"I don't think, there's any flags in here. We should go head at the top of the mountain, isn't it Bre---?"

When he looked behind him, he found none. No Brey at all behind his back. He turned his back, to fully look and search the said place if he is just trying to fool him. But, there is no sign of Brey at all.

That's the time when he begun to freak out. He is literally alone in this creepy part of the forest afterall.

So trying to be brave, he tried to follow his own path before. It's already dark by now, he had no flashlights at all neither any map. But, he is trying his best to not lose hope.

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