Chapter 3:

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That day, V was told that if he passed the audition. He might receive a text message after 3-5 days.

He is not expecting to pass the audition. But then, there's something that he can't get off his mind. That guy.

That guy who made him sing, and called him 'TAEHYUNG'.

There's something in him that seems to be intriguing for him. The way he stares at him, the way he called that name. It sends something else for him.

He was busy doing his work at the bar now. But still, he can't help himself but to think of that one person.

"Vincent Kim!"- Taecyeon yelled his name for the nth time.

"Huh?-- Um, yes?"-he finally responded.

"I said, pack your things already. We're about to close, and you didn't even heard me. You seem to be in your deep thoughts again. Care to tell me?"

"Umm. It's nothing, I... I'm just tired, maybe. Oh--- yeah. I--- I still have to go buy my nuna's medicine. I'll go. Bye~"- he replied as he went inside the staffs area to change his clothes.

"Be careful."

After buying his sisters medicine. He is now finally home. He went directly to check his sister who is asleep. As he was about to enter in his room, someone talked behind him which made him lose his balance.

"Why are you late?"-he asked.

Taehyung yelped as he falls on the floor.

"Yaah~ Stop screaming me, kid. You almost killed me! Why are you up at this hour? You still have to go to school early right?!"

"Don't call me kid hyung~ I'm not a kid anymore. Besides, I should be the one asking you that. Why are you late? Where did you go again this time? Are you doing something behind our back? And, you still have some work to do tomorrow right? So, why are you not sleeping yet?"-Yeonjun asked continuously.

"Okay, said by a 15 years old, high schooler. And kid, don't act like an old grandpa. I also have work at night, so it's only normal that sometimes I have to go home late. Besides, I also bought nuna's meds. That's why, it took me longer. Now, don't bother me anymore. Go to sleep already."-he replied acting cold towards his brother.

"Well... I'm still going to watch on your back, hyung. You are just 3 years older than me. So, don't call me kid. Hmmp~"-then he went inside his room.

V smiled towards himself. He knew his brother very well. They're brother afterall. Though, he is the one who supports them. He knew that, he can always count on them. Yeonjun is like an elder brother to him sometimes, it is because he loves him a lot. He doesn't want to see his brother suffering because of them, but because he is still young he can't do anything to help him.

On the other hand, V would do everything just to make sure that his siblings are okay. He can even sacrifice his own happiness just for them. He can do make those impossible to possible, if needed.

But, nobody really knew how broken he is deep inside.

He lost his mother at the young age, his father was nothing but a pain in the ass. He doesn't care about them at all. And he was convicted before V was even born, Yeonjun's father died with his mother due to an accident. While, his elder sister is ill so that's why, he had no choice but to shoulder all this problem alone.

Nonetheless, he never showed to anyone how weak he is. He always shows his determination in work, always gives his best. Always smiles brightly, though he is broken deep inside. No matter how hurt he is, he'll never let it show in his face.

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