Chapter 12:

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They are now standing on a beautiful field of purple roses and different kinds of flowers around it. V was astonished by this wonderful view. He didn't even realized that, Jungkook is looking at him intently for a long time now. When he learned about it, he turned away from him trying to hide his red cheeks that is blushing so hard.

"Wa-what... W-why are we h-here?"-he asks unable to form a stable words.

"This garden. I---I made this garden for Taehyung. *Sighed deeply* I was going to___ to give it to her as a gift for her birthday. B-but, sadly... It didn't worked out well."

V was just standing there silently. He is trying to have a battle of what he should say inside his mind.

"I wasn't even able to say my real feelings for her..."

So you really love her?

"I lost her that day. I lost her and our child. B-because I was a stubborn idiot who can't be a man even for once and accept someone else's sorry. N-nor, try to listen with other people. I---I am the reason why____ she died."

So, it's true? You____ caused her own death...

"If I only came earlier. If---if I didn't left her that day. S-she would still be alive. *His tears started to fell down* I'm such an idiot! Right?! E-everytime that... That I see people around me, looking at me. I always think that, they are probably judging me. That, they think I probably celebrated her death. But truth is___ I die. I die when she died that day. And though I died already, I still feel like dying day and day."-he is now silently sobbing.

V felt so sad for him. He's guilty for being one of those people who doubted Jungkook. He feel sorry for him. For losing his loved one.

"H-hyung... It's okay. It's okay."-he gave him a hug to comfort him.

Jungkook sobs in his chest as they are now hugging each other.

"I could have stayed that day. I could've saved her... I-if, I can only turn back the time... V, do you know how it feels like? This pain inside me... It's torturing me. Killing me slowly. C-can I ever have the chance to live again, after all this?"-he continued.

"I___ I understand."- he replied. "You can share your burden to me, hyung. I'll be there for you, don't worry."

Jungkook was looking at V at that moment. When he stopped talking, his lips was captured suddenly by someone else's lips. Yes. Jungkook kissed V within the split of seconds.

To say that V was completely shocked and frozen on his spot is an understatement. He is standing there clueless of what is happening to him at that moment. It's as if, he was out into another dimension where he seems to know what's happening in reality but couldn't grasp it at all.

After V regains his senses. He pushes Jungkook away and then, he runs away from him feeling hurt.

He feels like, Jungkook is just using him. He feels betrayed and used.

"V~! W-wait! Please, let me explain."

"Leave me alone! Please~ Just go!"-he shouted back and then walks away again.

"Please, try to listen to me first... Please."

"No. There's nothing to talk about Jungkook. Y-you're just-- you're just using me. You see her in me, that's why, that's why you're using me to forget her."

Jungkook tightened the grip in his right arm.

"Let go of me, Jungkook... I--- I don't want to... To be like her. I don't want to be like her in your life. Y-you never saw her not until she died right? You didn't showed her how you loved her when she's alive. S-so, I don't want to be like her... I don't want to be her replacement, hyung. I---"

#MBT Pt.2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora