Going through all of this alone the past few weeks has been rough on me. All I wanted was my family and I'm not talking my blood family. Other than delivery people the only one to visit was my cousin. My mother called me to bitch me out for the way I treated Mr. Gear and I should have taken the contract instead of throwing a tantrum. I hung up on her no longer wanting to listen to her screeching. She never called me back and I have no desire to call her after the way she treated me. 

So here I sit and wait for Skylar and Lucan to knock on my door, but at each minutes passes and they aren't here makes me doubt them. Maybe they won't show up. No. They will come. I fight my anxiety back down. They haven't done or said anything to merit my thoughts. They will come I repeat to myself over and over. 

Finally there is a knocking at the door, but when I answer the pizza delivery guy is standing at the door. I prop my hip against the door frame and reach for the prepaid pizza.

He runs his eyes over my appearance. "Nice to see you in actual clothes this time and not your pajamas," the older man says. Like I said I've been living on take out and pizza happens to be a comfort food. I offer him a smile. "I was talking to my boyfriend about you and we both agreed whomever it was he is not worth this suffering you are going through."

"What if I told you my heart was broken by Ryder Clark from Steel Wolf," I ask him no longer caring if people knew. "That I'm the ex manager of Steel Wolf who was foolish to fall in love with their client only to have them read a situation wrong and walk away. Then that same client go me removed from my position." I take the pizza from the stunned man.

Then he bursts out laughing at my rant. Can't blame him for laughing at me. When spoken out loud it does seem ridiculous. He points at me still laughing. "You're good. Ever thought about going into comedy?"

"No thank you. I'm done with any involving the world of showbiz. The pie isn't as sweet at people are led to believe." 

"Honey you can drop the act. We have all been where you are and making up stories isn't healthy," he pauses for moment. "Then again neither is ordering pizza practically every other day, but at least I can check up on you."

I tilt my head to the side and study the strange man. My heart warms to the fact a complete stranger cares about me. "Why," I ask him.

"Because I hate seeing anyone as sad as you are. Your eyes are the saddest I've seen and whenever I see your address listed for drop off it tells me you are still here."

Oh my goodness. He fears I might harm myself. "I can promise you I'm okay. In fact my friends are coming over so we can come up with a game plan for me to figure out this shit with Ryder."

He shakes his head. "Here is my number," he says handing me a piece of paper. "If you need someone to talk to or no longer want to eat dinner alone. My boyfriend and I can be pretty entertaining so I've been told. But you may want to stop with the made up story and face reality."

"But the story isn't false," a male voice says joining our conversation.

I glance over his shoulder to see Lucan wearing black jeans and a black hoodie with the hood pulled down low to cover his appearance. Skylar is sporting a similar outfit. Lucan and Skylar step up pulling their hoods off causing me to feel like I'm in a movie. The man's eyes pop out of his head at the sight of Lucan standing on my door step. His head swivels in my direction and I shrug my shoulders.

"Well fuck me," he mutters shaking his head and walking away in a daze. He pauses and turns to face me. "The offer still stands and I apologies for calling you a liar."

I glance at the paper and see his name is Robby. "I just may take you up on the offer Robby I can always use more friends," I say with my first genuine smile in weeks. He nods his head, smiles and continues on his way.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now