Lauren's face goes pale as she stares at the never-ending water behind Camila.

"Answer me," Camila says.

"Which guy?" Lauren asks.

"The one you were with," Camila says.

"No one. He was no one," Lauren says.

"Don't give me that damn bullshit, Lauren. You two looked familiar with each other," Camila's voice grows firmer.

"People are staring," Lauren lowers her voice.

"Do I give a shit? No. Tell me the goddamn truth," Camila says.

"He was an old friend!" Lauren raises her voice. She huffs and swims back to shore.

Camila watches her wife swim away as she turns and stares out at the water. She angrily splashes the water.

"Wow... Now that was fucking ugly."

Camila turns to the male voice and her face falls in shock.

"Liam is that you?! Who the fuck am I kidding, it is!" Camila says.

Liam hugs Camila as the brunette returns it, hugging him tightly.

"I haven't seen you since you dropped out of high school freshman year," Liam says.

"You know that I got Lauren pregnant and I had to be responsible for it," Camila says.

Liam's smile falls from his lips and he nods once. "I know. I see that after all these years you guys are still together," Liam says.

"Yeah... Bumps in the road but still together," Camila says.

"Hey, let's go to the bar, get some drinks," Liam says.

"Sure," Camila smiles.

They both swim to shore and walk over to where Lauren is so they can dry off.

"Where are you settled?" Camila asks.

"Close to the bar," Liam says.

At his voice, Lauren lifts her sunglasses and she sits up. "Liam, wow it's been so long since we've seen you," Lauren stands up.

"I have a good idea that you guys were probably busy with the kiddo you guys made," Liam says.

"We were," Camila says.

"So how is she, Grace, right?" Liam says.

"She's doing great. In college, an all-A student. We even have three more kids as well," Camila says.

"Really?" Liam asks shocked.

"One is Camila's younger sister and the other two are twin boys," Lauren says.

"Long story about my sister. I'll catch you up over a drink," Camila claps Liam on the shoulder.

"You two have fun. It was nice seeing you again, Liam," Lauren says.

"It was nice seeing you too, Lauren," Liam says.

Camila pats him in the back and he starts walking over to the bar, the brunette following behind him after giving Lauren a look.

After catching up with Liam on her family, they move on to a different subject as Camila takes a long drink from her glass of whiskey.

"Whoa, okay, I haven't seen you drink like that before," Liam says.

"You know that I drank back then," Camila says.

"I did but... Only because you were forced to grow up back then. You were... Quite depressed, stressed. What's the reason now?" Liam asks.

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