40 - Low blow

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AN: ^ a little picture of what Renee looks like :)


Early morning kisses... They're my favorite way to wake up now. Lazy morning kisses before you're even opened your eyes, mumbling half-incoherent 'good mornings', reluctant to actually wake up. That's how I woke up every morning, Yuzuru's hands snaked around my waist, holding me tight against his chest until both our alarm clocks go off.

Yuzuru usually goes to shower first, letting me quietly scroll on my phone until the shower's free, having learned that it's pretty much useless to talk to me in the mornings until I've had a shower and some food. Which brings me to the part where he has a cup of mint tea and a plate of avocado toast, which turned out to be the only thing he can make, waiting for me in the kitchen.

We usually chat a bit about the upcoming day during breakfast before walking to the rink, his hand draped over my shoulder, both of us lost in our own thoughts and listening to music. One kiss when we're in the parking lot of the TCC before he leaves me to wait for Chris and Roman while he goes in.

"So should I pack up your suitcase and bring it to you next time?" Chris deadpans when she hops out of the car on Friday morning "You basically live with him at this point!"

"No... I'll be home on Sunday." I chuckle, slapping her arm playfully as she hands me a bag of fresh clothes "I have to say it's been perfect..."


"No, no but. It's just a bit much to process I guess..." I explain as we go into the changing rooms, leaving Roman to find a parking spot "And I feel like we're just sitting in our little bubble, at some point it's gonna burst and I guess I'm a bit scared of how that's gonna affect the whole thing..."

"It's gonna happen sooner or later but you can choose how it bursts. So instead of hanging out at his apartment all the time, go out and do normal things..." she shrugs casually before smirking at me "And for fucks sake, have sex with him already!"

"Well... about that..." I start, checking to see if anyone else was in the changing room "Listen, I need your advice and I need you not to be Chris about it because I have no one else to ask..."

"Well this sounds promising..." she grins wickedly, throwing her bag on the bench.

"What did I just say?!" I groan, throwing my shoe in her direction before slipping out of my sweatpants.

"Alright, alright!" she laughs, throwing the shoe back "I'm listening."

"I don't really know what to ask but I want to do it... Like soon b-but I just have absolutely no clue... I don't know what to do..." I trail off anxiously, sitting down with a defeated groan "What I am trying to say is... Anything I should know or any exclusive advice you can give me?"

"Okay... Wow you're really worried about it, aren't you?" she furrows her brown, staring at me curiously "Well I'm not gonna lie, it's probably gonna hurt and feel weird but trust me it's worth it in the long run. And you probably won't even fini-"

"Do not finish that sentence! You're not being very reassuring, you know that right?"

"Look there's nothing I can say and make you less nervous... But you found a good guy to do it with, he's absolutely obsessed with you and he cares a lot. So you know he'll do anything to make you comfortable, all you have to do is go with it. Just do what feels good!"

"T-thanks Chris... I mean it..." I smile, pulling her into a hug.

"Hey! What are friends for?" she chuckles, ruffling my hair playfully "Oh! One more thing. Did you shave?"

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now