7 - Here goes everything

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"You're over doing it, you're over rotating your jumps! Just trust your muscle memory, trust your instincts and don't overthink it okay?"

I nod as Sveta squeezes my hands, focusing on my breathing. I zone out as they announce Kaetlyn Osmond's score only tuning in when they announce me.


And that's my cue, I skate towards the center of the rink, crack my neck before exhaling and assuming my starting position. My music starts playing but I don't move yet.

He left no time to regret...

I try to interact with the judges as I do my choreography, doing my best to act flirty and somewhat sexy.

You went back to what you knew...

I start my combination spin with a back camel catching my foot to do the donut, after counting six revolutions I change feet going into a sit spin (the broken leg variation) I then push up into an I spin position grabbing my blade. Not enough speed at the end but overall okay.

You went back to what you knew...

Still feeling a bit dizzy I go into a flying camel spin: three revolutions, change of edge, another three, five illusions. Need to work on the speed.

We only said goodbye with words...

I finally get a chance to catch my breath and some time for head to stop spinning as I just perform some choreography and steps. I gather some speed before going into the foot work preceding my double axel. I land it perfectly and on beat, remembering to extend my arms above my head while I rotate.

And I go back to us...

Carried by the music, immersing myself into the atmosphere that it created I complete my step sequence. Keeping that momentum I speed up executing my triple lutz. Shaky landing, over rotated again.

We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times.

Trip flip, triple toe. Perfect. Layback spin now.

Six revolutions.



I freeze in my finishing position breathing heavily before allowing myself to smile.

I'm still trying to catch my breath as I make my way to the center of the ice. I bow to the judges and the audience still grinning, relived that I got some of the pressure of my chest, the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. I throw myself into Misha's arms when I see that he's standing next to Sveta.

"Good girl, you did well!" he whispers in Russian as he strokes my hair "You did your best!"

"I really did didn't I?!" I breath out.

I quickly hug Sveta before she leaves to help Chris warm up, Misha hands me my guards and my jacket as we make our way to the kiss and cry.

"So tell me everything!"

"We can talk about it later... Just wait for the scores kiddo!" he chuckles at my enthusiasm.

"Yeah right... You might not know this yet but I am the least patient person ever!" I whine.

"Okay fine! You could use more speed on your first two spins, they're usually better so they might only get counted as level 3."

Gold, love and mint tea (Yuzuru Hanyu )Where stories live. Discover now