Last words from the Author

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Well, guys, that's it! That was an emotional ride. Now it's time to get it ready! This book will be going through a few changes over the next couple of days getting it ready for the Wattys. I have never entered anything like this so fingers crossed it goes well.

As for what all of you are waiting on. The next book I will be working on is......

Queen of the Pirates!

I am very excited! This is going to be very different than what I am used to and it will be a little more.... ranchy...

I really want to do the other two as well, but I am still new to all of this and not quite ready for a fantasy book, although they are my all-time favorite books to read.

This next book will also be heavily edited to hopefully be published, again something I have never done but I am excited about something new.

I can not express to everyone how thankful I am that you all stuck with me through this. I know I'm not the best at updating, you know, busy life and a slight obsession with reading books! But all of you have been amazing! I love reading your comments and seeing everyone's reactions to what is going on in the story. You guys are truly what motivates me to keep going! Without all of you, I would not have finished or even gave writing a try, to begin with.

I love you all so very much! I look forward to getting to know everyone more and I hope you guys continue to follow my upcoming stories.

Much Love!


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