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"What?!" Emma snaps, turning her head too quickly, making herself dizzy and swaying on her feet. She can't process why her mother had called Jake. How she had gotten his number in the first place. She is still angry with her mother, and most of all her dad. She could not understand why her father had not trusted her or taken her side in the argument. The things Warren said could never cut as deeply as the things her own father had said.

He took Warren's side over Jakes. Over her. Did he really think she had such a bad judgment of character? Or did he just want to save face with his partner?

"Careful, Em." He reaches out and holds her steady against his chest.

"Why is my mother calling you?! How is my mother calling you?!"

"They want to meet us for lunch today." Jake still holds her tight against him. "I think they want to apologize."

"Well, they should!" She huffs.

"I think we should go."

"I don't want to see them! I'm still mad." She argues, pulling away and crossing her arms.

"I know you are, Em, but they are your parents. You can't stay mad at them, and they are trying. At least hear them out. If you don't like what they have to say, then we can leave." He reaches out and rubs his hands down her back.

"Okay, fine, but if they do not start the conversation with an 'I'm sorry' then we're leaving." She purses her lips and looks up at him.

"Deal." He grins before swooping her into his arms. "Now, you have done a good bit of teasing me this morning and I fully intend on making good on it." He throws her onto the bed forcing a giggle from her lips.

"I have done nothing to tease you." She argues with a wide grin.

"You don't even have to try, babe." He groans before laying his weight on top of her and claiming her lips.


Standing outside the dinner, Emma looks through the window at her parents, who sit waiting for them to arrive. Jake's antics this morning caused them to be late, but she didn't care, she wanted them to sweat it a little. Jake steps beside her, lacing his fingers with hers, giving her a nod of encouragement.

Together they walk in the door and her mother jumps from her seat, running over to her. "We were so worried!" She says against Emma's hair. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart." Emma gives her mother a tight smile and looks to her dad, still sitting at the table, looking pale.

June leads them across the room to sit across the booth from them. "I'm glad you're safe." He smiles sadly at his daughter. "Thank you, Jake, for taking care of her." He nods.

"Always." Jake says with a stern look in his eyes.

"I owe both of you an apology. I should have listened to you, Emma, and trusted your judgment. Jake, I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions." He clicks his jaw and looks to his daughter hopefully.

"Thank you, dad." Emma gives him a half-smile.

"Let's order and then we can talk some more," June says, trying to break the tension.

The uncomfortable silence stretched on until well after the food had been ordered before someone finally broke it.

"I never knew he was like that, Emma. I should have known he was a bully," Matt says, shaking his head. "He was the one that made things so bad, wasn't he?" He turns his sad eyes over to his daughter.

Until She Meet Him (FINISHED)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang