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The Monday after her parents came home, her Doctor called to tell her that her tests came back clean and she was officially cancer-free. Her parents were so excited they took her and her friends to the city for the weekend, letting them loose to do anything they wanted. They ran around the city letting Emma show them everything she used to do when she lived there. They saw shows and ate at her favorite restaurants.

Quickly fall fads to winter, bringing the best Christmas she has had in a long time. She and Jake spend Christmas Eve with his mom and Grandmother, then Christmas day with her parents. On New Year, she took Jake and their friends into the city and set them up in one of the nicest hotels with the perfect view of the streets below as the parties picked up. They went down to the streets for the countdown at midnight bringing in the new year together.

Spring starts to fill the air along with excitement for everything to come. First was prom, then graduation, and with that a new set of questions and excitement. Emma had applied to several colleges, only because her father wanted her to, but her pick was a local community college before transferring to a larger university. She wanted to stay close to Jake and with him going to the local school she wanted to stick around. She received an acceptance letter from her top pick and the anxiety of it has left her in knots.

Every night that Emma is with her parents, Jake sneaks into her room cuddling up next to her in her enormous bed. She keeps her window unlocked for him so he can just sneak in if she is already in the bedSpencer and Jake had a joint birthday party at Jake's lake house, where he actually let a few of his friends come over and see the place for the first time. Several people ended up in the freezing water after being pushed or pulled in with laughter. Jake's mom filed for divorce from Tom and moved into her own apartment far across town and away from him. She has helped Emma's mom with several jobs; the two of them take several business trips to the city where the two of them become fast friends.

Emma's dad stays in the city more than usual trying to get his new firm started after he had a falling out with his partner, Charles, after everything came out about Warren. Several of his colleagues agree to leave with him and work at his new firm, giving him the courage to actually leave.

Obviously, while her parents are gone, she stays with Jake at her haven by the lake with their little doggy running around her whenever she is around.

This week her parents are in the city for work so she moves her stuff into his house again, ready to spend some much-needed alone time with him. The mornings are getting warmer, with the spring sun shining through the windows. Emma stands in the bathroom after her shower getting ready for school, when she looks in the mirror and freezes.

"JAKE!" she yells, leaning closer to get a better look. The door bursts open as Jake runs in with just his pants on.

"What? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asks quickly, looking over her from head to toe, checking for injuries.

"Look!" She leans over pointing to her head. She has stopped wearing her wig around him, being comfortable enough not to hide from him. "My hair! My real hair!" She squeals, jumping up and down.

"I can't see while you jumping around." Jake laughs, grabbing her shoulder to stop her. He looks down when she finally stills and sees small stubble poking out of her scalp.

"See!" she squeals again. "It's been so long since I saw my real hair, I don't even remember what it looks like. Other than pictures." She smiles widely.

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