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Emma returns to pacing across the lobby, her dress rustling and flying around her feet.

"Emma, sweetheart, why don't you sit down? I know your feet hurt." June pats the bench next to her.

"I can't sit still, mom, my nerves are shot," she says, ringing his fingers together.

"Your dad will do everything he can to get him out." June shakes her head. "He shouldn't be in here to begin with."

"No, he shouldn't." Marry mumbles. She sighs when both women look over at her. "He knew he wasn't supposed to see his father," she whispers, "but he has always been close to him. I should have known this would happen. We both knew better, but we still saw him."

Emma shakes her head. "That never should have been part of his release! Asking someone not to see their own dad for that long. It was a messed up part of his parole."

Mary's phone rings in her purse. She digs it out looking down at the screen. "It's his dad." She answers it as she walks to the door to go outside.

Emma slouches back against the hard wall. "Dad has to get him out."

June rubs her daughter's arms. "He will do all he can to make this right." Emma doesn't answer, just nods her head.

June rubs her daughter's arms. "He will do all he can to make this right." Emma doesn't answer just nods her head.

Several minutes later, Mary walks back in with tears staining her eyes. "Are you alright?" June asks looking up at her.

"Yeah, I'm just worried. He's blaming himself, angry with himself that this happened. Says he should have stayed away from Jake." She sits next to Emma grabbing her hand and squeezing it tight.

"He can't blame himself. That's his son, and he loves Jake." June shakes her head.

The three of them sit for a while before Emma starts to feel anxious and stands again to pace the floor. Mary and June fall into simple conversation while Emma bites on her lip while folding her hands together trying to settle her nerves.

"He can't blame himself. That's his son, and he loves Jake." June shakes her head.

The three of them sit for a while before Emma starts to feel anxious and stands again to pace the floor. Mary and June fall into easy conversation while Emma bites on her lip while folding her hands together trying to settle her nerves.

"He can't blame himself. That's his son, and he loves Jake." June shakes her head.

The three of them sit for a while before Emma starts to feel anxious and stands again to start pacing the floor. Mary and June fall into easy conversation while Emma bites on her lip while folding her hands together trying to settle her nerves.

"You are going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep walking like that." Emma stops and turns to the front of the lobby, where Jake watches her with an amused grin on his face.

"Jake!" She runs over to him throwing her arms around his neck.

"You act like I was back there for years. It's only been a few hours, Em." He laughs, running his fingers over her back.

"Shut up! I was worried they wouldn't let you go." She pulls away and smacks his chest.

"Of course they let me go, your dad is the shit." He smiles down at her brushing some hair from her face. "Let's go home." He chuckles, tucking her under his arm.

Matt leans against his car letting out a deep breath. The events of the night playing back over in his head. The fear he felt when Emma called him in a panic nearly sent him into his own panic attack but he knew he had to be strong for her and help keep her grounded. Then that man telling Emma about his role in Jake being sent to jail, then confronting her, has his hands shaking at his side.

He always knew Emma was strong, but he never expected her to handle herself the way she has the past few months. Growing up being the sick kid in school made her skin thick and her will iron-strong. Moving to this small town was the best decision he ever made. His little girl has changed, grown into a beautiful, smart young woman. He knows what has made her this way. He knows it is all because of one person.

Jake Averitt.

The young man he gave up his career at the District Attorney's office for.

The kid he fought so hard to help. He wanted to, tried to lessen the kid's sentence to five months rather than a year but his boss wasn't having it. Wanted to be reelected, so he pushed for them to be hard on drug cases.

Jake was never a bad kid. Maybe a little lost. Maybe a little angry. But who wouldn't be with his past?

No, Matt knew he and his wife couldn't take credit for the woman Emma had turned into.

That was all Jake.

Matt looks up when he hears the click of high heels to find his wife smiling at him. "You did good," she says, leaning her body into his and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Did I?" He shakes his head, still feeling like he disappointed the one person he never wants to. Emma.

"Yes, Matt, you did. You got him out." She presses a soft kiss to his lips, feeling his body heat seeping into her bones. This man still gets her worked up, even after all their years together.

"June?" He chuckles against her lips.

"Hum?" she mumbles, not pulling away.

"Is Emma coming home?" His fingers grip her back pulling her closer to feel his body reaction to her.

"No." She smiles at him.

"Then I'm taking you home! We might not make it there if you keep leaning on me." June laughs, pulling away, her eyes deep and hooded with lust.

"Let's go then." She nibbles on her lip, looking down at her husband's body.

"Bye, Emma." Matt waves over at her making her turn and give him a confused look. "We will see you tomorrow." He grabs his wife's hand and leads her to the passenger side of the car.

"Love you, honey," June yells from the seat before the door closes.

"Dad?" Emma asks, walking over. He turns and looks down at her. "I love you." She whispers.

His chest caves in as he lets his shoulders slump. "I love you too, sweetheart." He leans over and places a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"Thank you for what you did for Jake."

"It never should have not happened at all. He never should have been told he couldn't see his father." He doesn't tell her that if that wasn't part of the deal, then he would have spent almost two years locked up and they never would have met. Jake doesn't even know that part.

"I'll see you tomorrow. It looks like mom is ready." Emma laughs looking over at her mom in the car and sending her a wave.

"Try to get some sleep." He looks up and sees the beginning part of the morning breaking through the thick night sky.

"You too." She kisses his cheek before turning and running back over to Jake by his car.

Matt watches as Jake wraps her small body in his enormous arms and helps her into the car. He looks over at Matt when he closes the door and gives him a single nod with a small smile. Matt returns the gesture before going and getting into his own car.

"Everything alright?" June asks, locking her fingers with his.

He brings her hand up to his lips and presses a light kiss to her knuckles. "Yeah, everything is perfect."

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