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Ava runs over to Emma the second she and Jake walk through the doors of the gym. "Oh my God! Look at you!" She pulls Emma into a tight hug.

"Look at you!" Emma laughs, pulling away looking at Ava's bright dress as it sparkles under the bright lights.

"I know, we both look a-mazing!" She giggles, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"What about us? What are we, shit?" Spencer asks, winding his arms around Ava's waist pulling her against his chest.

"We make you two look good." She snickers. Spencer huffs his response as Jake pulls Emma under his arm and into his side.

"You can't argue with them." He chuckles.

"Come on! Let's dance!" Ava screams, pulling Spencer behind her to the dance floor.

"Dance with me?" Jake grins holding his hand out for her. Emma laughs letting him lead her out to the dance floor with their friends.

After hours of dancing and laughing with her friends, Emma stumbles her way to a chair and throws herself down.

"Thirsty?" Jake asks, kissing her hand.

"Very!" Emma pants.

"Be right back." He kisses her quickly before darting off to get them some drinks.

"I guess you're proud of yourself." Emma turns with a groan to look at Rachael. The horrible girl had left her alone after their last argument and Emma stood up for herself.

"What do you want?"

"My step-dad took away my car because of what you did. Said I couldn't have it if I was going to embarrass him like that."

"Well, that sounds like your problem. If you had just left us alone, it never would have happened."

"You think you can just sweep in here and just take over. The entire school took your side over mine. Even my friends won't talk to me." Rachael stops her foot like a spoiled five-year-old.

"Maybe if you weren't awful, then they wouldn't have. You cross the line going into my personal space. You had no right to get dirt on me, dirt that wasn't even true."

"Whatever, we're about to graduate and I will be rid of you. Maybe I will move in with Jake while you're off at college. We both know you will leave after graduation and he will still be here and lonely. Don't worry, I'll keep him company." She grins looking like the stoner cat from Alice in Wonderland.

"Leave her alone, Rachael," Jake says, placing Emma's drink in front of her. "Get lost." He cuts his eyes at her.

"Whatever, see you later... Jackey." She turns and struts away.

"Damit, I really hate her." Jake grips Emma's hips making her stand before he sits, pulling her into his lap, nuzzling his face into her neck.

"She sucks, but she's right." Emma signs leaning into his chest.

"No, she's not. I talked to my parents, and they think they can swing it. Dad has some money stashed away and mom has been doing really well working with your mom. They said money shouldn't be a problem."

Until She Meet Him (FINISHED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant