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Moving to a strange town is tough on anybody. The packing, the loading, the traveling, then unloading, then unpacking. Not to mention a seventeen-year-old, timid girl starting a different school where she knows no one.

Luckily for Emma, she simply had to be worried about that last part. Deciding they needed a change from the city, Emma's parents packed them up and brought them to a small town not extremely far from the city, but far enough to live privately.

Emma was a slight girl, short and skinny, with more legs than anything else. Kids used to pick at her for being so small, but as all demure girls do, she kept her head down and just let them do it. She never really liked to talk with people, she didn't like to socialize or go to parties. She mostly liked to read and play video games, pretending she was ordinary. But she wasn't and possibly never would be.

The morning of her first day of school was spent like any other except she got on the bus, not a train. She was going to step into a lively public school, not a modest private school. She knew no one, rather than knowing a few.

Like always, she put her hood up on her coat as she stepped off the bus followed by people pushing past her to get to their friends. Scattered across the green people form their typical high school groups. The jocks were recognized by their matching letter jackets, the popular kids with high-end clothes and snobbish looks, the nerds all gathered with books, and, of course, the rebels with long hair and earrings.

Emma sighs knowing she doesn't fit in with any of them. An outcast here, just like everywhere else she goes. Sure, she could fit in with one group that may share the same interests, but she wouldn't make the attempt.

Looking around, she sees she will have to walk right between the rebel group and the popular group to get to the front doors of the building. She tugs her bag higher up her shoulder taking a hard breath and going in the correct direction. As she gets closer, she notices the popular kids looking down their noses at her and her ripped jeans. It's not that they couldn't afford nice clothes. Her dad was a lawyer. In fact, the jeans were top of the line, name brand, but they didn't know that. A few of the rebel kids stare at her confused to receive an unfamiliar person. One of them, in particular, makes Emma walk a little faster. Not because he looked dangerous or like he wants to say anything, but because he was probably the best-looking guy she has ever seen.

Once in the door she sees lines have formed in the hallway, perplexed she slips in line behind them. As she draws closer, she notices the security guards checking people's bags and their student IDs. One guard looks at her with a scowl making her feel nervous.

"Take your hood off." A strong voice whispers behind her, causing her to jump. She turns and is greeted by the greenest eyes she's ever seen. They crinkle at the sides with a smile. "You look suspicious with your hood up. That's why he's looking at you like that. " He nods his head to the guard. Not saying anything, mostly because she could not, she slid her hood off her head, letting her long black hair fall over her shoulders. "Whoa," he whispers behind her, but she hurries to the guard.

"ID." He says plainly. She pulls out the slip of paper her mom gave her showing she was a new student and showed it to him. He takes it and looks it over. "Front office is down the hall on the right." He hands the paper back to her without looking at her once. "Next." He blurts out signaling for Emma to move on. "Mr. Averitt," he starts before Emma is out of earshot. Not risking looking back, she hurries down the hall to the office.

Inside, a plump older woman sits behind a desk. She smiles when she sees Emma walk in. "Good morning, dear." Emma smiles at her before handing her the same paper. "Ah, Miss. Walker." She gives her a sympathetic smile. "Mrs. Falkner wanted to see you when you arrived." She points to the door labeled 'Mrs. A. Falkner, Principal' Emma nods before walking over to the door and knocking.

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