For a week

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Warning: Sexual Content
***** indicates where it starts

Roni had slept with Lando, in his room.

It felt different now, it felt good.
They were officially together, none of those stupid mind games anymore. They still had a long way to go, the trust she had for Lando wasn't huge, after breaking her so much, but that's something he would earn over time.

They had a plane to catch, back to England.

Both were happy to get to go home again, as the next race was at Silverstone.

Luckily the flight was in the evening, so they were able to sleep in, but that didn't last long as Roni was woken up by loads of kisses on her face.

"Hey" His head hovered above her face when she opened her eyes.

"Well that's an interesting way to wake up"

He started pressing small kisses all over her again, putting his body on hers and tickling her sides.

"Stopp" she got out of her while giggling loads.

Of course he continued.

She saw only one answer, tickle him back. So that's what she did, and he quickly lost the grip he had on her.

He fell to the side of her, on his back, both out of breath.

"You know I hate tickles!" she told him.

He moved his head towards her, still laying on his back "I know" and a smile appeared.

"So, I was thinking... When we get back to England, would you maybe want to stay at mine? I live closer to the Red Bull office anyway."

She smiled.

"We could pass your place to get extra stuff and drive further to mine."

"Ok, yeah sure" Roni answered as she sat up.

The morning went pretty slow, not doing much.
They filled the day with some walking in the mountains, looking at the beautiful views of Austria. They decided on leaving their phones at the hotel to fully focus on each other and on the gorgeous nature around them.

As it got later and later, they were back at the hotel and had everything ready for the flight back home.

- -

The way back went smoothly, and Roni was distracted by Lando, so the flying wasn't much of a problem to her.

Once back, they got into Lando's bright orange Mclaren that someone drove there for him.

When inside of the car, Roni grabbed her phone, the first time she actually looked at it today
"oh shit"

"Whats wrong?" Lando asked while reversing the car to get out of the parking spot.

"Well, pictures of us on Sunday are all over social media." So their plan of keeping it private wasn't much of an option "Photos of us sitting on the ground, me on ur lap, were taken and us leaving together in your car." She kept scrolling through instagram.

"Let's just not give them any more information about us until we want to" he answered. It could look weird, a Mclaren driver dating a Red Bull pr manager, besides, Roni didn't want to announce it yet, she was scared something would happen to them and not actually last.

"Yeah ok"

They drove towards Roni's flat, quickly grabbing some stuff she needed and got back to Lando who waited in the car.

That one night - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now