The invite

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Roni was in a deep sleep before she got woken up by a knock on her door.

"I'm coming in!" Someone yelled as he entered her room.

"CHARLES!" Roni yelled mad at him, while she covered her naked body with her sheets.

"Oh shit, sorry." He turned around facing the wall. "We were about to leave to get some breakfast, I was just wondering if you wanted to join us. It's me, Max, George, Danny and Carlos, the rest went home."

"Yea sure, just give me 10 min to get ready and I'll meet you guys downstairs."

"Alright" he answered. "Sorry again" and he left.

Roni got out of her bed with a terrible headache.
She slowly wondered to the bathroom and took a quick shower. After that she just put on some grey sweatpants, a black crop top and some air forces. Tied her hair in a bun and started to brush her teeth, while texting Amelie.


Hey, where u at? I'm leaving for breakfast in a couple of minutes with some f1 guys, wanna join?


She threw her phone on the bed and went back to the bathroom to spit out the toothpaste.

As she walked out Amelie hadn't responded yet, so she just went with the guys.

Roni walked out her room, down the stairs to the living room where she met everyone.

"Oh, you had a fun night yesterday, didn't you?"
George said while moving his eyebrows up and down.

"What do you mean?" Roni asked confused.

He pointed at the marks she had on her neck and collarbones.

Quickly she got her hair out of the bun to cover them. She felt Charles looking at her in a jealous way.

Before she had a chance to say anything, Max got back from the toilet.
"Ah finally, there you are! I'm starving, let's go." He said while putting his arm around Roni in a friendly way.

Everyone walked outside the house and they left in 3 cars. They all had sports cars, so only 2 seats each. Daniel went with Carlos, Charles with George and Roni with Max.

As they approached a beautiful shiny grey sports car, Max opened her door "Here you go gorgeous". She stepped in with a grin on her face and a little blush "Thanks".
He walked around the car and got in on the drivers side. He rolled down the windows, stuck his head outside and yelled at the others behind him. "Ayo guys, follow my lead!"

They left the driveway and started cruising threw the amazing streets of Monaco. As they were driving in a straight part, Charles appeared on there side and overtook them. They could see his and George's smile while passing them.

They arrived at a cafe right by the marina.
All of them got coffee to sober up a little more and some breakfast.
All of them were having a great time just talking and making jokes.

"I'm really sad you guys are leaving tomorrow for your next race. I probably won't ever see you again." Roni said with a quite sad voice.

Daniel and Carlos looked at each other with a smile.

"Why are you smiling? Am I the only one feeling this way?" She asked concerned.

That one night - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now