Cup of tea

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"Come on" he said while walking back to his house with her in front of him.

The man screaming hadn't seen her, as he was still in another street just around the corner, they got inside just in time.

I'm so fucking confused he thought to himself.

They were just standing in the hallway both not saying anything to each other.

Lando broke the silence after a couple of minutes
"So I'm guessing your name is Roni?"

She only nodded not doing anything else.

"Well I'm Lando" - he told her.
"How about you take a shower to warm up while I'll get you some dry clothes and make a cup of tea?"

She just nodded again.

He started walking upstairs to his bedroom, where his bathroom was connected to, while she followed him.
He gave her a towel and showed her where to go.

While she was in the shower, he had put a hoodie of his on the bed right outside the bathroom and went downstairs to make two cups of tea. When he was done, he grabbed his cup and sat on the couch while scrolling through his phone not really being able to wrap his mind around what was happening. Who was that man? Did he do that to her? If so, why? What happened to that poor girl?

Some time passed, about 10min and he heard her coming down the stairs. She came through the doorframe in his hoodie.

"Is the hoodie big enough or would you like some sweatpants as well?" - he asked her, while not really thinking she would answer.

"No it's fine, thanks." - She said, looking at his slightly surprised face, not making any eye contact.

He stood up and gave her the cup of tea he had just made while both sitting on the couch.

Some time passed while they didn't really say anything. The only audible sound was them sipping on their tea. Suddenly, braking the quietness in the room, she said:

"I'm Veronica by the way, but most people just call me Roni" - In a very soft, very hard to hear, voice.

"Nice to meat you Roni" - he said while standing up and walking out of the livingroom. He came back after a few minutes with two pillows and a big blanket.
He laid them out on the couch.

"I'm quite tiered, you can stay here for the night, the couch is probably more comfortable then my bed anyway."

A slight smile came on her face when he said that and she thanked him.
He walked upstairs again and went to bed.

She saw a charging cable next to the couch, she decided to put her phone on it as it was dead.
After laying her phone down she stood up, started turning the last lights off so she could go to bed, only leaving a small lamp on a table near the couch on so she wouldn't be scared. She got under the warm blanket and made herself comfortable on the big couch, falling asleep rather fast,

That one night - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now