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It was now May, it had been about 5 months.
Roni had gotten a promotion at het work and she was able to rent a little flat near London, not quite in the centre. She made some great new friends that she had met through Amelie, a really good friend from work, and some she met at the new place she was living.

She felt happy.

She felt free.

She felt at peace.

One morning she was opening the cafe with Amelie. It was still calm with only a few people, most of them drinking coffee and sitting behind their laptops doing whatever they had to do.

"I have news." - Amelie said while looking with a slight grin on her face.

"What is it?" Amelie didn't answer, she just kept smiling. "Come onnn, your making me curiousss" - Roni whined out of anticipation.

"Alright alright, so you know how we were saving up to go on a little vacation in Monaco, but it's just so expensive?"

"Yes, how could I forget. Thanks for reminding me how I can't afford to go on my dream vacation by the way." Roni responded in a slightly annoyed but sarcastic tone.

"So I met this guy..." Amelie went on "a few days ago at this club, and he is like rich rich, plus he owns a mansion in Monaco, he will be going there on the end of this month and said I could join him with a couple of my friends!"

Roni didn't answer, she just looked at her friend with a smile so wide it almost touched her eyes.


Roni jumped at her friend both now hopping in the air in circles making little screams "WHERE GOING TO MONACO!!!" she screamed, making a few clientes look at them with a disturbed face.

Quickly they went back to work still giggling.

- -

It was now 16:00 and both of them just ended their shift. They decided to go to Roni's flat because it was closer to the cafe.

They sat on the couch with some snack and two glasses of wine, talking about their vacation and who they could bring, even the tickets would be taken care of.

Both looking now at their phones, Roni broke the silence. "Who is this rich club guy anyways?"

"Ugh he is sooo dreamy, his name is Alexandro, he is tall and muscular, perfect smile, did I mention he was rich? Also very polite but can be quite mean when he needs to be, if you now what I mean?" Amelie replied with a wink and started laughing

Roni laughed with her, she got what her friend was saying, however, she could never understand a 100%, as she was still a virgin. She hadn't told Amelie that, she felt embarrassed.

"So when is this Alexandro guy thinking about going?"

"I'm not sure, let me text him" Amelie sent him a text to which he responded right away.
"His flight is on Friday the 20th, he's asking how many people he should count on coming. Maximum is us plus 3 more people, he can't fit more in his private jet."

"Shit! That's in 4 days already!

"Oh yea your right, well let's start making plans right away then before it's too late." Said Amelie.

All night long they made up plans and things to do in Monaco, most of them involving clubs and alcohol. They decided on asking Zack, David and Mia, 3 great friends of them. All of them were pretty easy and all agreed on going. Roni and Amelie also got a week of from work, so now everything was settled for their vacation.

It had gotten late, around 22:30 and Amelie got her things as she was about to leave Roni's flat.
Before opening the door and leaving , she turned around and said "we did it!" while high fiving her friend. They gave each other a quick hug and Amelie left her flat.

Roni was tired and decided to get ready and go to bed a little earlier then she normally would. 

- -

The next day she woke up, it was tuesday, around 11:00. She could sleep in, she only had her shift from 17:00 to 20:00. It was a calm day.

She got out of bed, still yawning, and made her way to the bathroom.
Her bed, kitchen and living room were all in the same room, only her bathroom having walls around it. She liked having everything in the same space. Her flat was pretty high up and had some floor to ceiling windows right where her bed was placed, with a beautiful view, especially at night.

When she got to the the bathroom she had a quick shower to freshen up and got ready for the day. Her outfit was made out of some grey mom jeans, a white body suit with spaghetti straps and some withe air forces. She decided to treat herself and go see if she could find any new outfits for her vacation, and she needed to buy more underwear, as most of her panties just disappeared, not knowing where they went.

After having some breakfast, she got her purse and head out the door.

She was just walking past shops and looking into them from outside too see if she spotted anything. She had already bought a cute skirt and some bikini's. She walked passed a beautiful black cowl neck dress.

She almost sprinted inside the shop, her eyes already on the dress. She looked for her size but could only find one too small. It was a pretty expensive dress but decided on trying it on anyway.

She looked in the mirror of her changing booth, it fit pretty well, it was just a little on the shorter side I'm going to Monaco, who cares if my dress is pretty short? It's very sexy, I'm getting it!
On that note she put her own clothes on again and went outside the changing booth to pay for the dress.

After some more time of walking around she went home.

When entering her flat she let all the bags fall in the ground. She bought quite some stuff, most of it pretty slutty outfits, but that's what she wanted.


She just remembered she forgot to buy panties, she had to just do with what she had, about only 4 pairs left.

For the rest of the time she just relaxed until it was time to leave for work.

That one night - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now