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"Ughhhhhh" where Roni's first words when her alarm woke her up. She hates waking up early. Moving around a bit in her bed and grunting she decided to get out of bed.

She slowly wobbled her way to the bathroom and cleaned her face with some cold water to try and wake her up. After freshening up a bit, she went to go grab her phone and turned it on.


She only had half an hour to get ready and be at the airport, which was a 20min drive.

She put on grey sweatpants, a simple white top and a black hoodie in her hand. She gathered all the last necessary stuff and called an uber.

5min later the uber arrived, she got her small purse with important stuff such as wallet, passport and phone, picked up her luggage and ran downstairs.

The ride to the airport was quiet with just some music playing.

When they arrived she thanked the driver and got her luggage. The second she turned around she saw her friends waiting on her at the entrance of the building.

"There you are!! Come on hurry, we're almost late!" - Amelie said.

Roni greeted all her friends as they were quickly walking to a specific area of the airport where the private jet should be.

They found it pretty easily.

Once they got in they all greeted Alexandro. Roni saw the genuine smile her friend Amelie had on her face when around him could she finally have found a keeper? She really hoped for her friend they would work out.

Everyone was seated and ready to go

"One of my friends from Monaco is in England right now, so he will be flying back with us too. He'll be here soon." - Alexandro said

A couple minutes passed and a guy came running into the plane, all out of breath.

He had brown messy hair, pretty tall, brown eyes and a little bit of a beard and moustache,
Because of the running he was sweating quite a bit, making im take of his hoodie, with that the shirt under his hoodie went up a bit, slightly revealing his muscular toned abdomen.

wow Roni thought, but her mouth also moved while thinking this.

He looked at her, knowing what she was mouthing, staring at his body. A smirk appeared on his face.

"Im so sorry I'm late, I had some problems with the transportation coming here." - The guy said

"No worries mate, there's still room for you, now sit ur ass down cause we want to go" Alexandro told him in a jokingly way.

Roni felt embarrassed, please don't sit here, she prayed.

He looked around and saw an empty chair, right next to Roni.

Great, she started getting nervous, he was very attractive, she didn't want to talk to him after so obviously staring at his body and hitting on him.

"Hello gorgeous, I'm Charles." - he said.

Her cheeks got a little pink because of him calling her gorgeous.

"Hi, I'm Roni" she smiled politely sticking out ger hand to shake his.
Instead of that he grabbed it and kissed the back, which made her blush even more.
He knew what he was doing to her, enjoying it.

The flight was around 2 hours, which wasn't that long but more then long enough for Roni, she never really enjoyed flying. It stressed her out.

The plane started moving, and before she knew it they were already at fast speed trying to get up.

Her heart started pounding intensely and sweat began to break in her head.
Without thinking she grabbed Charles hand and didn't let it go.

He was surprised by feeling someone hold his hand all of a sudden, but when he looked at her he saw she was having a little anxiety. He caressed her hand with his thumb trying to calm her down.

Once they were in the air she was a little more relieved, only now noticing she was holding Charles's hand. She quickly let go.

"Oh..I um...I'm sorry, didn't realise." she spoke nervously.

He laughed a little "no problem at all, if u need to hold a hand any time again during the flight, feel free to hold mine, but don't brake it please, it's quite important for my job."

She laughed and looked at him whit a smile while nodding. "I won't brake it, I promise."

- -

She got woken up by the abrupt landing. With her earbuds in she fell asleep with her head on Charles's shoulder. He was also asleep with his head on hers, but not for long as he also woke up.

Both just looked at each other with a nervous smile.

- -

When finally out of the plane, they went to go get their luggage and get a ride, that was already prepared, to Alexandro's mansion.

When they got there Charles had already left, he wasn't staying at the mansion, he had his own house not all to far away from there.

They all got their rooms assigned.
Roni walked up to hers, as she walked in she gasped. It was HUGE, and she loved the fact that there was a king sized bed. She started getting ready for a dinner they had with everyone at some Italian restaurant.

She was wearing something like this:

She was wearing something like this:

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

- -

After they had eaten their main corse Alexandro told them about a party he was having at the mansion they were staying at on Sunday night.
It was a huge party for all formula 1 people, everyone would be there.

Roni didn't know much about formula 1, she was never really intrigued by it, so she didn't really get nervous about the thought of a bunch of old men that drove cars for a living being there.

- -

Roni left dinner a little earlier then the others, she was exhausted, only wanting to let her body fall in that beautiful king sized bed in her room.

So she got her makeup off and into her pijamas, jumping on the bed and falling asleep quite fast.

That one night - Lando NorrisΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα