New job

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It was the next day, Wednesday, meeting day.
Roni was already at her shift, unfortunately Amelie wasn't with her today, she would come in later.

Around 14:45, she started to clean all the tables and finish the last things before she could leave.

In a way it was a little sad. If today went good, Roni would probably not come back to this job anymore, instead she would get an offer at Red Bull.

She pushed the sadness of leaving her work space aside, the happiness and excitement in her overtook that negative feeling. Maybe today was the day she could get one of the best jobs she could dream of.

Before she knew it, it was 15:05.
She pulled her apron off of her body and shoved it into her locker, taking out her bag.
She said her farewells to the other colleagues and walked out of the cafe.

While waiting until the bus arrived, she put her earbuds in and listened to music, as she always did. She loved music, it was almost an escape to the real world. It was one of many things she had in common with Daniel, and probably why they got on pretty well.

It was about a 20min drive and she had made her way to the front door of her flat.

With only a small amount of time left, she had a quick shower, put on a formal but flattering outfit, some simple makeup and grabbed her things.

In a bag she brought her CV, laptop and a notebook with a pen for anything she had to write down.

Fast after, she was in another bus on her way to the Red Bull office.

When she arrived it was exactly 16:00.


She entered the building and made her way towards the front desk.

"Hi! How may I help you?" A man behind the counter asked.

"Hello, I have a meeting with Red bull at 16:00 with, not sure with who..." she answered a little nervous.

"No problem. Let me check." and looked into his computer. "Ah yes, it's right here, they are ready for you, just walk straight here, go up the stairs and first door on your right is where the meeting is held" he told her while moving his hand in the direction to go.

"Thank you so much!" Roni replied with a big smile on her face.

She walked past the desk and up the stairs. It was huge, thankfully the man explained to her where she had to go, or else Roni would probably have been lost.

She stood in front of the door, taking a deep breath right before she opened it.

There where a bunch of people sitting around a table. Quickly the nerves started kicking in.

"H-hello everyone!" she stumbled a bit.

"Roni! Welcome" a man said to her.
Taking a second look at him she noticed the man was Christian Horner, principal of Red bull Racing.

Everyone greeted her before she sat down and got handed a cup of coffee.

"So Roni" Christian started "we have been following your work for quite some time now and are very impressed. Without any degrees in this business you still manage to stand out. We've also noticed you have formed a good bond with most of the drivers, especially with Max."

She blushed a little, she didn't want them to think there was anything going on between them, he was one of her best mates.
"Yea I have, their all great" she answered before he went on.

"We know your quite knew to the sport, what do you think about it?" he questioned.

"Yes, sometimes it came across my TV but I never took a lot of interest in it, until I met the drivers in Monaco. They invited me to come to Baku and watch the race. I have to say it really impressed me, and would love to get to know more about it."

That one night - Lando NorrisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant