Cute Boy

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The next day, Thursday.

Roni got emailed a lot of stuff yesterday night, for her new job. She tried to get as much knowledge as possible about formula 1. While she had an old race playing on her TV, she was looking at all the things Max had to do and planning it all into his schedule.

They were flying today, they had to get there on Thursday already as it was press day. So a lot of media and interviews were on the planning.

- -

Around 13:00 they landed in France.
She didn't have much of an issue with flying this time. Max was beside her making dumb and stupid jokes that were distracting her.
She really enjoyed being with Max, now they would only spend more time together. She only hoped they wouldn't get under each others skin, after all they would be almost 24/7 with one and another.

The two friends made their way to the hotel and into their rooms. They had to be at the track around 15:00, so enough time to get a little nap and get ready Roni thought, and that's what she did.

- -

Roni woke up after her little sleep at 14:15. She took a shower and got ready.

They had to leave at 14:50, so five minutes before that she went to Max to see if he was done.

She knocked on his door, but no answer.

She knocked a second time, again no answer.

As his pr manager, she had his room key for these kind of situations. She put the key in the door and walked in.

There he was. In a deep sleep on his bed.

"Oh god" she said.
She jumped on the bed, landing on top of him.
Max woke up in an abrupt way, while Roni was just smiling.

"Good morning" she said to him, while laying on his chest.

"You little snake" he answers while rubbing his eyes.
Before she knew it, he grabbed her waist and started rolling their bodies until the edge of his bed, at the end she was on top again and he pushed her off to the ground, making her fall.

"Oh you dick!" she yelled at him while both of them laughed.

He got out of bed and helped her get up.
"We have to go, like, now" Roni told him

"Oh shit yeah" he ran into the bathroom and washed his face, got his shoes on and was ready to go.

"Well that was fast" she said impressed

"I am very fast" he told her with a grin, referring to him being very fast on the track.

- -

When they arrived at the track, she saw a Charles and a Carlos looking at her weirdly.

Oh shit, I forgot to tell them about the job.

She walked quickly their way, as Charles opened his arms to receive a hug.

She hugged him tightly and then Carlos. Although she had seen them a couple of days ago, she really missed them.

"What are you doing here?!" he asked with a huge smile on his face

"I got a offered a job to be Max's pr manager"

"So your coming to all races with us?" Carlos asked excited

"Well for now I'm coming to this one and the next one, and then it will be decided if I can stay or not"

Charles picked her up an spun her around, she held onto his shoulders so she wouldn't fall.

That one night - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now