Taking a few deep breaths to calm my nerves and reminding myself I am a grown women I go to open the door, but jump when the door opens on its own. Ryder stands on the other side completely naked. My eyes bug out of my head and I can't help, but wander my eyes to a part of his body standing at attention. Quickly jump them back to meet his heated gaze and cocky smile. The asshole knows exactly what he is doing.

As much as I hate to deny my feelings the attraction is still between us and as strong as ever. Maybe even stronger since it has been a long while since he touched me in that way. My body instantly readies itself for his invasion. My nipples harden and press against the fabric keeping them hidden. An emptiness settles low in my belly and my breathing quickens. A slight dampness presses against my core and all thoughts as to why we shouldn't be together leave my foggy brain. I have a single focus now and that is to have him take away the emptiness. 

By Ryder's flaring nostrils and the way he tightly grips the door frame I can tell he's feeling what I'm feeling, but waiting for me to say or do something. He swallows and a bead of sweat trickles down the side of his face. The room we were in wasn't warm at all. 

"What are you doing," I stutter when I'm able to find my voice. 

Ryder tilts his head back and stares at the ceiling for a second. He's holding onto his control by a thread. "Someone told me I stank and I promised them I would take a shower."

I prop my hip against the sink and cross my arms across my chest. Staring at his naked chest I say, "doesn't mean you need to be standing here naked while I was getting ready. You could have waited till I was out and then undressed in the bathroom," all the while in my head I'm chanting don't look down don't look down.

A smirk brushes his lips. "What be be the fun in that? Plus not like you haven't seen me naked before." He slowly stalks towards me and I back away from him, but end up sitting on the edge of the tub. Of course this puts his enlarged erection directly in my face. Not meaning too my tongue darts out to wet me lips. "Aubree," Ryder groans running his hand through his hair and giving me a glorious view of his backside. 

With his back turned I use the opportunity to stand and slide closer to the door. His arm whips out and latches onto my arm pulling me till I'm falling into his chest with my arms trapped between us. "Ryder," I say breathlessly feeling his erection pressing against me. I peek up at him with uncertainty.

"Aubree," he sighs rubbing his face between my neck and shoulder. He runs his hands up and down holding me against him. His hot breath warms the side of my neck and sends shivers throughout my body. 

We stand like this for awhile clinging to one another soaking in all the nerve endings coming alive at each others touch. Ryder pulls slightly away from my neck to rest his forehead against mine. I close my eyes and reopen them when his forehead leaves mine. He is staring intently at my lips. One of his hands finds it's way into the hair at the back of my neck and he pulls me closer to him while the other ventures close to my ass. 

Not once do I try to stop him I want him to kiss me as much as he does. Right as his lips gaze mine there is a loud knocking on the bedroom door. We spring apart so fast we manage to knock our heads against one another. Both cursing at the same time and the spell we were under instantly breaks. 

The knock continues. "Better go see what they want," Ryder says nodding his head towards the door. "I'm going to go take a cold shower now. Thanks to you." He pulls the door open and steps into the shower putting an end to whatever just happened to us.

In a daze I walk towards the door and find Skylar standing there. "Finally! I came to rescue you when you were taking longer than necessary to change and I noticed Ryder was no longer in the sitting area." Not so sure I wanted rescuing though. Skylar grabs my arms and I'm barely able to shut the door before she is pulling me in the direction of the hot tub.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now