Chapter. 27

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"Aw," Selena said in a mock babyish tone. "Did your friend leave you alone? With me? That's so saaad."

I stood up and clenched my fists, "I told him to leave." I said through gritted teeth. She smirked, "If I was in Jason's place, I would have stayed by your side."

I glared at her as I approached her, "So what if he left?" I demanded, it doesn't matter.

Selena cackled, "What if he left?" she imitated, "Well that shows his true colors."

"Shut up!" I yelled and pushed her. She was thrown off her feet, and even I was surprised at this. "You don't have any friends so you have no idea how they are." I said, taking a step forwards.

"Wrong; so wrong, you don't have friends. Did you forget this?" she sneered and turned her head.

Five zombies were behind her and I knew each and every one of them.

The sight of them shut me up, I stood frozen in place. Rhea, Aiden, Penelope, Tanya and Elena; all of them had blood and gore down their front. All of them had milky white eyes.

"What have you done with them?" I whispered.

"I'm afraid that's a secret," Selena answered as she got to her feet, "Should I get Michael and Courtney too?"

"Stay away from them," I warned her, "Don't you dare put your hands on them!"

She walked to me and touched my bruised cheek, I winced slightly. "Or Should I take your darling sister? Or mother?" she continued.

"Selena, that's enough." I said quietly. I was about to grab her throat and slam her in the ground when she held up her hand and said, "Stop,"

Suddenly my body jerked backwards as though a force stopped it. I tried moving my legs, I couldn't move. I felt as if there was an invisible barrier in front of me that was stopping me, "What are you doing?" I demanded, I could only talk.

"Watch, on your knees."

My body immediately sank to the knees; my body was obeying her orders. Even though I didn't want to—

" can control?" I asked in disbelief.

She smiled, "yes, I can."

"Why are you doing this?" I asked with a sigh, "Why Selena why? Why did you murder Rhea? The Shaws? What do you want?"

Selena sighed and sat down beside me, "You can move." she said and I relaxed. I didn't make the first move, instead I waited.

"Sixteen years ago, I was the happiest girl in town." She began, "I fell in love with a guy, he loved me too. We were about to get married. But then, my twin sister, Evangeline, came back from Mexico, ruining everything."

I waited, where was this leading to?

"Wilbur fell in love with her, leaving me heartbroken. Evangeline didn't know I was still in love with him. I showed everyone that I had moved on, though I had not." She whispered, "No one cared about me or my feelings. It drove me mad."

Selena sniffled, and I saw her eyes were on the verge of tears. "In rage, I did something bad. I stole the guy's family heirloom, which was a wedding ring. It was so beautiful. In their family, it was given to the new bride. I should've been the one getting it, not Evangeline."

"What happened next?" I asked, curious to know the whole story.

"The night before the wedding, I was taking the ring with me when the groom Wilbur Shaw saw me. He told me that I had done a terrible mistake and I must pay for it,"

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