Chapter. 6

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  "What are you doing at this time of night?" I asked Sabrina casually.

"I heard a thud, so i came to see what made that noise."

I nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

I gulped, "Going at a friend's."

"Have you seen the time?" my sister demanded as i thought for excuses. Better speak the truth or else more trouble, "Penelope's in danger!" I said anxiously but she eyed me suspiciously. "Right and how did you get that cut?" she asked. I sighed, "I slipped on the stairs, and now please let me go." I pleaded with her. Sabrina wasn't listening, "Sofia it's 2a.m." She said sternly.

"Sabrina, I got a call from her. She was sobbing; she said she needed me, please." I said desperately. Sabrina came forward, "Sofia, how can Penelope be in trouble?" she asked softly. I sat on a chair and didn't respond. She thought for a minute then turned to me, "Let's call her again shall we?" she suggested and I nodded.

She dialed the number and when the phone was answered, mom turned on the speaker. "Hello? Have you seen the time?!" a woman's voice said crankily. Sabrina said 'ouch' under her breath and I said, "Um, is Penelope there?" I asked,

"She's sleeping for heaven's sake." The woman replied.

People are mean. "Are you sure?" I said skeptically. She is lying, I know it.

"Of course I'm not lying! Bye!" she snapped and the call ended.

My sister smiled, "See, what I told you. She's fine." And with that she stood up and went back upstairs. Something is wrong; I just have to find out what that is.

I was ninety nine point nine percent sure I was dreaming. The reasons I was so certain were that, firstly I was in my frost form. Secondly, I was standing in a damp place surrounded by trees. I heard something rustle behind me and I turned around. Nothing but cold air. Finally, the next thing I knew a slim hand closed around my throat. I couldn't see who it was because the figure's face was covered by a veil. All was dark as I tried to fight back. I couldn't somehow. The hand around my throat became tighter until I couldn't breathe.

I woke up with a start, gasping for breath. I looked around, I was in my bedroom. Just a dream, I told myself and got up. When I was done getting ready, I slung my bag around my shoulder and went downstairs. I was alone in my home. Sabrina and mom were out. I quickly poured some milk in my coffee, stirred some sugar in it and then drank it. After I was done, I quickly rushed out as I remembered Penelope.

Relief washed over me as I pushed open the school's entrance doors. I found Aiden by his locker; he noticed me and said, "Hey Fia."

"Hi Aiden." I said weakly. "Where's Penelope?" I asked. He shrugged, "I don't know, she said she wanted to return a book so I guess you should go in the library."

I thanked him and swiftly ran towards the library. The librarian greeted me as I entered, "yes Miss Bell?" she said with a polite smile.

"Where's Penelope Jordan Miss Brown?" I asked and she answered, "She is in aisle 6, wanted a book on rocks."

I walked to the shelves, aisle one, two, three, four, five. I stopped on aisle five. I took a calming breath and hoped for the best. I went in aisle six and my stomach lurched. No one was there. Only a small paper bit, I picked it up. There were two letters scrawled on it;

I d

I looked up as I heard the librarian call, "Sofia! Penelope's here!"

I smiled triumphantly, I ran back towards her desk. I had not expected the worst. The librarian smiled, "Penelope dear, Sofia was looking for you." She spoke as if Penelope was really there, but I knew better.

I exited the library. If only I had reached Penelope last night, I remembered her words; "she's right here." 

Who is she? What was she talking about? What happened to her? My thoughts were intervened as I bumped into something-no, someone. I looked up to see Michael and Elena. "Sofia what's wrong? We were looking for you." Elena said and Michael nodded, "you seem troubled, what is it?" he asked.

"It's nothing." I lied. She slapped a hand over my forehead, "god, it's hot." She exclaimed and then said, "What happened to your cheek?"

I dodged out from under her. "I'm fine Ellie," I said quickly.

"Are you feeling okay? You look upset?" Michael said.

"I'm fine guys." I tried to tell them but they wouldn't budge.

"Sofia but..."

That was it. "I said I'm fine. Seriously, I mean it!" I exclaimed, frustrated.

I knew they were just concerned but that wasn't helping me much. I found an empty class room and I sat on one of the desks there. My head was spinning by now, and I couldn't think straight. I heard someone sit in the desk beside me and I looked up to see Michael. I looked away. "Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" he asked. When I didn't answer, he sighed, "Look I know you're upset and you can't hide it from me. It's written on your face."

Well, he was right in some way because I blurted it out, "Penelope's gone!"

"Does Elena know?" he asked.

I shook my head, "No; you know she has asthma and I don't want to worry her or something."

Michael's expression was unreadable as he said, "Penelope's gone like Tanya?"

I nodded, "I know you probably don't believe me but...I can't see her...I can't...I can't hear her voice. I don't know what to do!" I moaned and Michael's eyes went wide with surprise. Before he could say something Elena entered,

"Fia I am sorry!" she cried and I stood up,

"Hey its fine. I overreacted I guess." I said and Michael laughed, "You guessed?"

I glared at him.

"Anyways Sofia, don't you both have a class?"

"Michael's right, let's go. We have biology together," Elena said and took my hand. "and what have you got to say about yourself Michael?"

"I have swimming,"

"Oh God you are so lucky!"

Even though I was listening to my friends' talk, my mind was still fixed on one person,



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