Chapter. 18

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I thought about Elena and heaved a sigh. Was she okay? If so, where was she? How can I find them on my own? I can't tell anyone that "Hey, my friends are missing."

There's no point in that, they can see "my friends" only I know they're not there so there's no chance people would believe me.

To make matters worse, Michael's grandfather had an accident so Michael and his family had to go to Minnesota. And my hopes were crushed.

Suppose, I do know the location where Elena and the others are; then what? I'll go alone? I can do that but will I be able to defeat the person and find my friends? I couldn't exactly ask Courtney, or Liam to accompany me could i? They would find out I have powers and I am lady frost. That'll be too risky. I groaned, "If only I had someone to go with me." I muttered glumly.

"SOFIA! Someone's here to see you!" mom called from downstairs, bringing me back to Earth. I stood up. Who's here to see me? And at night?

Michael was with his cousins, so Michelle must be there too and Courtney didn't know my home's address. Nevertheless, I checked myself in the mirror. I looked fine. I was wearing a white romper with glittering black stars and moons on it. My hair was in a side braid; I quickly applied some blush and mascara then went downstairs.

Hearing voices, I paused at the bottom of the stairs and listened.

"I don't know what to do, she isn't telling me what's wrong." My mom's voice came.

"And she was also absent yesterday?" a guy's voice said. I recognized it, Jason.

"Yeah, she had a terrible headache. She seems so stressed nowadays, last night I heard her scream in her sleep. She's having nightmares too—"

I winced, so she heard me scream.

"—she isn't the same Jason I know it. She's acting strange from the day she came home from the winter ball."

"Don't worry Mrs. Bell, I'll talk to her."

Wait a go Mom, har de har har. You could've told me how you were feeling but no, you told all of that stuff to Jason. Wonderful,

When there was silence, I tried to make my voice enthusiastic as I made my entrance.

"Jason!" I exclaimed, and walked to them.

Both of them smiled at me and Jason stood up. He gave me a side hug and I beamed. "I'll be right back." Mom said. As Jason turned, mom winked at me and I stared at her.

"How are you?" I asked. He shrugged, "I'm fine, and you?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"So, where are you these days Sofia? I've been noticing at school; you seem lost as if you're in another dimension, you don't talk much, your mood's I don't know, off and you're ignoring Elena as well."

I stopped fiddling with my bracelet and looked at him, "What do you mean ignoring Elena?" I asked as my stomach turned over.

"I mean; it's been a week. Whenever she calls you, or wants to talk to you—"

Has it been that obvious?

"—you simply ignore her, as if she wasn't there at all."

Oh man, he noticed. It makes me wonder, does everyone think I'm ignoring Elena?

"Have you guys had a row or something?" he asked, and then quickly added, "Not that it's my business but you know, we're concerned about you."

"We?" I repeated in confusion.

Sofia Bell Diaries : The BridesmaidWhere stories live. Discover now