Chapter. 10

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"Okay Girls! Get out of the pool! Changing rooms now!"

"Thank God." Elena muttered as I helped her out of the pool. Miss Hail was clapping her hands, "Out you get Miss Steele! Miss Kennedy hurry up!"

Amber went to the changing room and Courtney shot me a smile as she gathered her stuff. I grabbed my shower bag and went to a changing room.

"Girls! Your next lesson will be in 10 minutes!" Miss Hail yelled again. I swiftly put on my white shirt, blue jeans with my school's jacket and went out. I observed, I was the only one out.

I began pulling on my socks.

"Miss Bell, you did really well today."

I looked up to see Miss Hail checking her notebook. "Last time you got a D..." (Talk about embarrassing, not that much because I knew I wasn't exactly a swimming pro. I was the person that stood in the shallow end)

"...but this time, a B. I'm impressed." She went on and I smiled at her as I tied my shoelace. Miss Hail checked the time, her face red as a beetroot as she shouted "GIRLS! GET. OUT. NOW!"

At once, everyone came out. "You girls need to take time management classes as well." Miss Hale said, her face flushed.

"Sofia do you have perfume?" Courtney asked and I nodded, handing her the strawberry perfume I used.

"Thanks." She said brightly. The bell rang, signaling locker passing period. "Hurry up!" Miss Hail shouted. Elena stood up and together we ran out of there.

I opened my locker, "I have literature, and you?" I asked. Elena groaned, "Damn, I have...ew, math but that's not the only problem, I also have a test." She said with a sigh.

"Break a leg!" I told her as she went to her class.

I took out my books and went to English class. Five minutes later, Courtney came running in.

"Miss Kennedy you're late as usual." Mr. Rogue said with a disapproving look.

"Sorry Mr. Rock." Courtney said; Mr. Rogue went pink and the class burst into laughter. Courtney went pink too as she sat beside me and bent her head.

The thing was, our English teacher's name is Mr. Rogue. As she has a bad temper, a senior started to call her "Mr. Rock" and soon, the word spread and voila! Nearly everyone calls him Mr. Rock now.

"I didn't say anything wrong did I?" Courtney said under her breath, "I mean he has a heart made of rock."

"Today we are going to do something different." Mr. Rogue said.

I stifled a laugh as I opened my book. "Yes, and court; its heart made of stone." I corrected her.

She smiled, "What's the difference?" she said.

"For the school theatre act, I am going to choose some students to play some characters." Mr. Rogue continued. "We are going to do Romeo and Juliet for the opening act,"

Half of the class groaned, while the other half seemed interested. I was with the first half; okay, I love literature, it's my favorite subject. But act? And Romeo and Juliet? No way,

"It's going to be fun and enjoyable, now for the role of Juliet..."

Every girl excluding Courtney and me raised their hands.

"Those who are interested for the roles of Romeo and Juliet; see me after break." Mr. Rogue said,

"Are you going to go for Juliet?" Courtney asked me under her breath.

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