Chapter. 4

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The room was all messed up;

I gazed around the room and the wall behind the dresser caught my attention. There was something written on it with blood,

I went towards the wall and touched the first word. When I removed my hand, some of the blood came away on my fingers, the sign said;

Rhea Elizabeth Larson is no more...

I could only stare while beside me Chris was whispering, "No, no, no...Rhea can't die. Rhea can't,"

I turned around. Just beside the sofa, a woman was there in a pool of blood.

Chris and I ran at the same time towards her. He turned her over and my insides clenched. Rhea's beautiful face was all bloody, her stomach was slashed as if done by an animal's claw, her eyes were open but they were looking somewhere...


"No, no, no..." I whispered as tears clouded my vision, "No, it can't be. She's not dead..."

"Rhea!!" Chris screamed and my heart broke. His voice was heart wrenching and even I couldn't stop the tears falling on my face. Behind me, I heard Aunt Lena scream too. My hands were shaking badly and there was only one thing going on in my mind;

My cousin was murdered on her big day.


Instead of a wedding, a funeral was taking place. I was sitting in my room all alone. Mom and Sabrina were probably there. I checked my watch; I had been here for three hours to be exact. My mind was storming with questions. As if all this wasn't bad enough, my fingertips were making snow appear on whatever I touched.

I got out of bed and rummaged in my wardrobe. I was still in my bridesmaid dress. Right now, my mascara was all over the place and I looked like a raccoon; my eyes were red and puffy, probably from crying so much. I put on an ironed blue button-down shirt and a white knee-length skirt. I removed my makeup and tied my hair up in a ponytail. The ends were still in curls. Grabbing my handbag, I went outside.

I reached the graveyard where the casket was buried some time ago. Most of the people had gone; a few were still standing at some distance, wearing black.

I sat beside her grave; my face tear-strained. She was so happy and excited, I mean why wouldn't she be; she was getting married.

"I never got to say goodbye," I whispered, "I'm going to find your culprit, that's a promise."

At that moment, my phone rang. An unknown number? I answered it, "H...hello?"

The voice from the other end was cold but familiar. "Sofia, be alert. You have to listen to me very carefully."

I gasped and looked at the grave, "R...Rhe...Rhea?" I asked, my voice shaking. I was lost for words. The voice resembled Rhea's voice so much, as if she was talking in front of me.

"Sofia, a killer is on the loose. You need to be very careful and stay alert at all times. Watch out for your close ones or else they'll be lost." And those were the last words I heard before the line went dead.

The phone fell from my hand as I look at the grave once more. I stood up and hurried out of the graveyard. My mind was storming with questions as I was walking on the road,

How was it Rhea's voice? Who's the killer? And why should I watch out for my close ones? Family or friends? Where's the killer now?

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't notice I had reached the side of the road. It was then I had the urge to look at my left, I ignored that feeling first but then I couldn't resist it so I looked. Rhea was standing on the other ride of the road, smiling. Yet there was something wrong about her smile, it seemed unnatural.

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