He leans slightly across the counter. "Actually you could. You see I bought tickets to Steel Wolf for my girlfriend and me..." he trails off. I raise a brow and sigh, seems I've been recognized after all. "Well ex girlfriend. We broke up last week." I give him a tight smile in response and my desire to get away rises. "I guess what I'm asking is if you would go to the concert with me. No reason to have all work and no play." He wiggles his brow. "Plus this is the city of sin," he runs his eyes over me. "And I wouldn't mind doing some sinning with you."

"Can't I'll be working." I tell him stepping away but he yells out to me.

"Call in sick and go with me." Now he sounds desperate. 

"If I call in sick then there may not be a concert for you to go to," I tell him. Let him stew on my words for a bit. I'm sure he will see me walking in with Steel Wolf in a few.

Leaving the lobby I head directly to the Wicked Minion bus. I'm trying to delay the enviable as long as possible. The band plus Adam are all waiting for me to hand out their keys when I enter the bus. I make quick work of passing out the keys and quickly go over the rules of staying in a hotel, not that they will listen. I'm already adding in my head how much extra staying here is going to cost. Lastly, before they are able to exit the bus I make then open their application on their phone and I double check all the alarms have been set and the schedule is there. Only then are the allowed to leave and head to their rooms.

I drag myself to the Steel Wolf bus next surprised to see everyone in attendance. Skylar and Dimitri must have made up from their fight earlier because Skylar is snuggled in his lap. All conversation stops when they notice me standing there.

"Mason, Lucan, and Tray please come here," I say handing them their keys. "You can go head up to your rooms. I'll see you for brunch." All three of them eye be in confusion for dismissing them so easily, but they must have seen something in my eyes because they walked off the bus.

Next I turn to Skylar and Dimitri. Handing them their keys I say, "we will see you up in the room in a minute."

"We," Skylar questions glancing back and forth between Ryder and myself.

"Yes we," I say feeling drained and just wanting them to leave so I can talk to Ryder. Then we can go to bed.

"Are you sure you don't want us to stay?" Dimitri questions me gently pushing Skylar from his lap. They both stand, but make no move to leave the bus.

"No thank you. Like I said we will be up in a few minutes."

They send puzzled glances to each other, but grab their luggage and make their way to the exit. Both sending me worried frowns on their way out. Ten to one they will be awake waiting for us to join them. 

For a few second neither one of us say anything. Ryder flops down on one of the seats farthest from me running his hands over his tired face. His eyes look bloodshot and he reeks of weed.

"Are you high," I ask him placing my hands on my hips and staring down at him.

He starts to laugh in hysterics wiping the tears from his eyes. "You haven't said a word to me in weeks and the first time you speak to me you ask me if I'm high." He shakes his had in merriment.

"Well are you," I press not letting his words get under my skin. I adjust my stance crossing my arms across my chest in a form of armor.

He rests his elbows on his knees and stares at the floor. Right as I think he isn't going to answer me he speaks. Picking is head up he says, "Yes Aubree I'm high. Happy?" I can easily detect the frustration in his voice. 

"No," I state plainly. "I'm not."

Ryder stands from the seat and paces the bus running his hands thorough his hair. "So what I smoked a little weed. Nothing else has been able to calm my mind and with the threat looming over my head I need something." He stops his pacing and his broken eyes attach to mine.

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now