I Hate You I Love You

Start from the beginning

Silas approached her and hovered over her. "You're not the only one who feels this way. Now you've got me." He knelt a little closer to her and kissed her passionately. Anna wrapped her arms around him and began a rough examination of his body.

He scooped her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom, gently placing her on the bed. Ann took a step back.

"Right now, I--I - "She was having trouble finding the right words. She wasn't ready for a physical relationship with him, but she wants to learn more about what they're doing now. She was well aware that they were not prepared to do anything that would jeopardise their relationship.

"I'll never make you do something you don't want to do. Good night and rest. "I'm leaving." He stood up and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before turning off the lights. Anna was beaming like a teen girl who had received a message from her crush. She was suddenly aware of something pressing against her arm.

"A bracelet?" she wonder. She examined her wrist and fidgeted with it. It was a little rusted and old, but she knew it had been put in her by him.

Elijah and Elias were wearing the same bracelets in her childhood photos, she had no idea.


Silas walked out after closing his eyes and remembering the nightmare that continues to haunt him.

It was right in front of his eyes. Freya Clive exhaled her final breath. Doctors were unable to save her because she was badly injured and bleeding profusely. Anna was also badly hurt that night. The rock struck her in the head, and she lost all memory of that night.

She had completely forgotten about him. He didn't know what happened to Elijah, Zachary, or Anthony after that, and he was preoccupied with his hell. That same night, his father passed away. He was the King's personal bodyguard. That night, he was supposed to return with Anna, her mother, Zachary, and Irene King, but only Anna survived. He'll get to the bottom of it.

His phone abruptly rang.

"Silas reporting Sir!" he said, referring to the ongoing mission that he and his team were on. Janet was his mission's second-in-command captain.


When Bella tried to get out of bed, her head was pounding violently. She recalls Anthony leaving the previous night and getting high on drugged cookies. She took a look around, realising she was in Anthony's room.

She examined her appearance and noticed that she was dressed in Anthony's long sleeve shirt.

She didn't change her clothes when she came downstairs. She was eager to meet him. Last night, she sensed something different between them, and he sensed it as well. But then something happened, and he had to leave.

She'd already gotten down to the ground floor. She searched the area but couldn't find him.

She was startled to see Elizabeth.

"Where is Anthony?" she wondered, trying not to make it obvious that she was looking for him.

"Last night, Young Master did not return home. His vehicles were still in the garage when I arrived this morning." Elizabeth had gone out to do some additional cleaning and dusting.

Bella, on the other hand, tried to recall what she had done the night before. She was desperate to see him.

She stood at the front door, looking around the living room. She decided to take a bath and start her day after confirming that there was no one there.

He was nowhere to be found in the mansion. So, where did he disappear to?

She was becoming concerned. She had a soft spot in her heart for that devil. He, on the other hand, has no mercy for her. He gets a kick out of making her miserable. She was becoming concerned. He didn't eat on time and worked around the clock.

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