Then there were the few hotels they actually managed to get themselves kicked out of due to noise violations and smoking so much weed the other people claimed they were getting a contact high. But let's not forget the hotel they were kicked from for skinny dipping in the pool while children were around. Every time I would simply force them to sleep on the bus. The only one staying out of trouble was Hayes. After the first incident he requested his own room.

I've lost count of the amount of money I've had to pay to hotels and bars due to their reckless behavior. Also the hours on the phone doing damage control and talking Mr. Gear from off the ledge. Even when Steel Wolf was having their crazy years they never acted like this. Lucan has just about had it with their poor behavior and with my mind not fully engaged where it should be they are taking full advantage. 

Through all of this the bus wheels continue to turn and the bands continue to play to sold out venues. One positive Wicked Minions popularity has exponentially grown since the start of the tour. At more than one stop we sold out of their CDs and other merchandise. They are also starting to be recognized more and more by the public. If they can get their shit together I feel as though they are almost to the point they can be the front runners of their own tour, but due to behavior they are still a ways off. 

Currently we are on the road to the next destination and should be there before the day is over. I'm elbow deep in dealing with the latest Wicked Minion nightmare. Skylar sits next to me working on confirming the next few stops on the tour. Another day of her avoiding Dimitri and whenever I try to get information of of her over what is going on between the two of them she completely shuts down. The only person she seems to be able to talk to is Tray, which also pisses Dimitri and causes more fights. 

Luckily we only have a few more weeks left of the tour and we can all get a much needed time away from the busses. I only hope Dimitri's and Skylar's relationship can last because hopefully once they are able to distance themselves from the others they won't be fighting as much. Every day I check to make sure she is still wearing her ring. 

Not only have wedding conversations stopped, but so has their house hunting. All of this has turned into such a nightmare with no alarm clock in sight. I figured there would be some issues if Ryder and I split, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be this bad.

"All confirmed," Skylar declares sitting back and stretching her arms above her head. "How's the latest Wicked Minion fuck up coming along?"

"Its coming," I tell her rubbing my tried eyes. I've been reading article after article and emailing papers. "They are going to put me in an early grave."

"You thinking about dropping them once this tour is over," Skylar asks closing her computer and pushing it to the side. "I know you want more bands, but I also see how stressed out you are. You've lost weight and your make up isn't doing as good as a job it once did at hiding the circles." My appearance change is not all to blame on Wicked Minion.

Maybe now is the time to tell her about the phone conversation with Mr. Gear. I've been trying to tell her, but I was never able to find the right time. "I think I might. I don't think I'd be able to survive another tour with them. Especially if they are the front runners. In fact I've been thinking about getting out of the music business for good," I reveal. 

I now have Skylar full attention, "what," she exclaims. "When the guys find out they are going to lose their minds."

"You can't tell them," I demand closing my laptop. "The tour will have even more tension if they knew I was thinking about leaving all of this. Then we will be even worse off then we already are," I say trying to reason with her.

Skylar flies out of the chair she was sitting on and stomps around the small kitchen. "I'm so tired of all these fucking secrets. I'm losing my mind having to watch what I say to whom."

My Client the Rockstar (Book 2 Steel Wolf Collection)Where stories live. Discover now